Chapter 9 - Skipping School For An Ice-Cream Date With Wilbur

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Ah, school. The educational facility that makes everyone really imagine what hell is like. I dread everyday to go to this horrid, wretched and annoying place. Luckily, I get to see Wilbur a lot and get some nice eye candy, really relaxes the eyes you know?

It was 8am on a Monday, 3 days after the heavy drinking, I'm surprised none of us passed out from so much alcohol. I arrived at school, going to the usual meet-up spot waiting for Wilbur near my locker. I get a bit bored waiting and decide to organise my locker, until Wilbur suddenly looms over me trapping me between the locker and himself. The deja vu is unreal.

"Wilbur! Hi, I was waiting for you," I happily say to the eye candy.

"Hey Y/N glad to see you after that session at my house" Wilbur says, still sandwiching me

"Yeah, that was hectic..."

"I don't really remember what happened...I think I drank WAY to much"

"Thank GOD because-"

"Did I by any chance do this?" Wilbur hugs me and lifts me up, squeezing me tightly yet very warmly.

"WILBUR?!" I exclaim out of embarrassment and shock. "WILLIAM GOLD PUT ME DOWN YOU LIAR!"

OK. He remembers hugging me a lot but I am BEGGING. PLEASE don't remember the bet you three made I will die.

"Aww don't be so mean baby" Wilbur says in a deep husky voice.

STOP THIS MAN- I'm going to die Im as read as a rose right now.

"You definitely remember! Please put me down this is embarrassing! People are watching us" I plead in desperation.

"Hmm only if you kiss me right now"

"WHAT?" I look away and cover my face once again, "S-stop being so stupid Wilbur and put me down" I stutter, imagining my lips press against his pink, soft, precious lips.

"Not even on the cheek? Pleaseee" Wilbur begs with his so god damn cute puppy eyes.

"Fine! Just put me down after" I hurriedly go to kiss his cheek only to hear a cheeky laugh and for the cunning brit to turn his head so our lips touched. I pull away pleasantly surprised.


"Hehehe" He puts me down but not until I lightly smacked him a couple of times on his arm.

"I h-hate you" I mumble looking down.

"Love you too babe" He whispers in my ear, as the school bell rung.


It was lunch, me and Wilbur sat down in the dining hall happily chatting and eating our food. Suddenly, Wilbur had a mischievous grin on his face.

"Hey Y/N, let's skip class"

"What? No. Unlike you, I care about my grades."

"Do you though? Do you really?" Wilbur pleads once again. NO. Does he know that I'm so weak to his adorable face?


"Do you care about them more than me? Your best friend?"


"And also your lovely employer?"

"Fine, but we have to go to an ice cream parlour that opened recently."

"Ok! Let's go on a date!"

"What? It's not a date! Even though that would be pretty cu-"

The dining hall doors abruptly swing open, slamming the poor walls and causing a very attention seeking ruckus. Oh my god, does this bitch ever mind her own god damn business? London walks in, acting like she's the queen of the school. How repulsive. Her eyes snap towards my direction snd she makes a cocky smirk. Not again.

Her heels click as she confidently struts towards my table, with her witch like underlings who just cackle at whatever this thot says. This time, she doesn't even greet me.

"Bruh" I mutter under my breath.

"Wilbur! Hey you cutie. You know you're wasting your life hanging out with this disgusting mule. Why don't you have with me!" The sickening thing says, going to sit on his lap.

"What the fuck" Wilbur immediately stands up and sits next to me. "Y/N hold me, some hoe just touched me and I need cleansing" I stifle a laugh and hold his hand. He squeezes mine in comfort. Suck it bitch he's repulsed by you and goes to me immediately.

"Ugh, y/n stop touching Wilbur he's MINE."

"Oh my god, London I figured out why you're called London now! Even your parents knew you were a slut! So many people go in and out of you, how does it feel being a public toilet?" I argue, pissed off by her words. Now usually I don't get triggered but she's calling Wilbur her's. That's UNACCEPTABLE.

"Shut up! You're a piece if unwanted trash!" Wilbur's tone suddenly ticks and you can see him genuinely pissed off as well.

"Shut the fuck up. " Wilbur growls. The bell rings, followed by Will sending a death glare and dragging me out.

"That bitch pisses me off."

Wilbur drags me all the way to his car.

"Hop in, I'm in the mood for ice cream"

"Fuck yeah"

We arrive to a glorious view of a bundle of ice cream, you had types ranging from the classic vanilla and chocolate to watermelon flavoured ice cream. Oh shit this gon be good.

We both order 3 scoops of ice cream, Wilbur chose chocolate, vanilla and banana in a bowl. I chose [well it's your choice so...] in a bowl too. Wilbur drags me too the marbled tables to sir down. I let the creamy, delicious and delicate treat melt in my mouth, tasting the interesting flavours of ice cream. I should come here often this is so fucking good.

"Y/N, you're cute" Wilbur giggles, watching me out another scoop of that heavenly dessert in my mouth.

"Not as cute as you babe" I respond, flirting. My response seems to surprise Wilbur, making him widen his eyes and turn a blossom pink. Haha point for me sucker. I see his eyes snap back signifying "it's on"

"You've got ice cream on your lips boo"  the brown haired boy flirts back, leaning in to clean it. I feel his thumb brush across my lips, eager for touch. He leans into my ear, whispering "Just kidding" and leaving me to long for warmth again. Well shit point for Will. I smirk, hiding and trying to be unfazed. I mimic him and lean close into his face and smirk, pushing his bottom lip down with my thumb.

"This could get dangerous" I say making strong eye contact. I continue to mimc Wilbur earlier and lean into his ear, "Just kidding".

"Unless...?" Wilbur speaks.

Café (Wilbur x Reader x Techno x Schlatt) ‼️DISCONTINUED ‼️Where stories live. Discover now