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I woke up early as today we had to record whistle. I opened up my eyes to feel strong arms around my waist.....I looked up to see Namjoon's chin on my hand and he has pulled me so close to him that I'm in his chest. I smiled, as I was looking at him my hands made their way to his golden locks.

" Take a picture, it will last longer jagi~"

" Mianhe..... its just that your bedhead is hotter..." I said with a sheepish smile on my face and noticed the pink that dusted his cheeks. He looked so cute.

He chuckled.

" Why on earth are you up so early Ari?"

" I almost forgot about we are recording whistle so we have to go early so we can be free by 5 or 6 "

" I see.."

" Anyways wbu..."

" Well I have to make some beats at the studio today..."

I just hummed in response.

We looked at each other and then he suddenly pecked my neck and then i held his hair pulled him down to my level and gave a long peck on his lips.

Our sweet moment was disturbed by Krystle unnie and Jimin barging in the room and shouting in unision..." YAH!!!!LOVEBIRDS WAKE YOUR LAZY ASSES UP!!!!"

" WELL YOU CAN ALWAYS KNOCK RATHER THAN JUST BREAKING THE DOOR ALMOST DOWN.." we both were shocked but we were happy as the way we back fired them with unision.

" Oh yeah we didn't actually think about that did we??" Jimin said making both of us roll our eyes at the wierd couple standing in front of us.

" Wait a frickin' minute Kim Ariana I thought your room was the other one....what are you doing in Namjoon's room???" Krystle unnie asked wiggling her eyebrows and having a smirk. Ugh how I want to remove that smirk on the face.

My cheeks turned fifty shades of red.

" Wae is it wrong for a girl to sleep in her boyfriend's room?? Don't you two ever do it??" Namjoon spoke with a smirk.

" W-well....w-we....u-ummmm...y-you know what...l-lets just leave so that they c-can c-clean u-up..." I noticed how Jimin and Krystle unnie turned red as a tomato.

I laughed.

"Lets go..."
" Uhhh jagi~ ?"

" Yeah hun~ "

" Dress pretty after your recording we'll meet at 7..."

" Wae?" I raised my eyebrow in confusion.

" Well.... we're........

.....................................................going on a date today."

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