chapter 1

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Four middle-schoolers riding their bikes. jayda and Jayden the two twins. I have been good friends with Jayden since elementary so I kinda know jayda. But out of all the one, I know the most is Alexi, my one and only girlfriend.

She's kind, nice, and most importantly cute. Ok, that came out wrong I mean I like her for looks and personality, not just her looks. And then there's me miles. Anyway back to the story.

We are driving back home after playing a quick game of D&D like in our favorite show Stranger Things. I hope nothing happens like in the show. I'm too busy looking at Alexi and fall off my bike and scraped my knee Alexi runs to help me

"wait guys look the sky it's cloudy," says jayda

"probably just rain," says Jayden quietly but loud enough hear he's always been a shy person. I looked up. It's not just cloudy, it's changing color almost.that's when jayda says

"uhh turn around" Then a blast of wind took Alexi up in the clouds. This when I realized I was looking at a tornado. I ran away screaming

"RUN" crying. I couldn't stop the tears no matter how hard I tried. what do you expect my girlfriend just fucking died Oops, language. I ran for as long as I could hoping the twins had followed me. I tripped and fell on a rock. I almost felt like I broke my leg. I tried to run but I couldn't, the pain just got worse. I soon passed out from all the pain.

I woke up and my leg was ok but it felt like someone was bandaging it. I looked up no one was there but still felt as if there was something

"oh oops," said some unknown creature. I then saw a ghost unseeable before waving its hand over my face.

"You couldn't see me before so I used magic so you could see me," it said. I darted up

Who are you, are you trying to kill me" I moved away from a little in response

"Woah try not to move your leg is still healing" I grabbed my leg in pain.

"Um thanks, I guess'' I say, kinda calmed down at what he said.

"Why am I here?" I said almost screaming in rage as you can see I'm not very happy with everything that's happened.

"I brought you here after finding you on the ground passed out," as he said that I started to notice his features he looked like a blonde boy with a gray sweater and jeans that were too big for him.

"My name is Colton," said the boy

"where am I," I said

"I can't tell you," he said


"I just cant ok"

"Can I at least leave"



"I'm trying to help you"

My leg started to hurt more I grabbed it in pain why did it hurt more Colton poured some liquid on it and it stopped hurting

"you need to get some rest let me show you to the extra bedroom," said Colton he showed me up to a dark red bedroom with a bed in the corner and a backpack in the other

"what's in that backpack," I said

"just food water and other supplies for surviving," Colton said

"umm ok," I said in response

That night I slept there but awoke in the middle of the night to crashing and bumping outside I hid under the covers for safety you know Like the child I was Colton ran in slamming the door behind him

"stay in here it's the only safe place," he says fear in his voice I curled up crying why did my life have to be this way he ran up to me and jumped on the bed hugging me trying to help me calm down

It kinda helped and after a little bit I fell asleep in his arms and he fell asleep too 

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