chapter 3

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I was walking away from Colton my head down low scared that maybe my dream was true then I bumped into something... or someone

"JAYDEN," I said, shocked

"MILES," he said as he grabbed my shoulders and pulled me into a hug. I expected the hug, still scared through. What if it wasn't him- no I've scared myself enough. Still grabbing on to my shoulders he said

"We have to get out of here"


"What do you mean no we need to get out of here"

"I have a friend that will explain"

I grabbed his arm and ran the opposite way that I came. I just wanted to see Colton. I wanted to be near him... all the time.

I ran up to Colton and hugged him. I missed him so much. Even though I've only been gone for a little while. "what are you doing"

Jaden looked scared or shook we had I just explained everything

"m-miles do you hear that thing," Jayden said worried and scared

"oh sorry," said Colton, as he did the same spell he did when I couldn't see me

"i- o-h- i- u-u-h-" miles, said that slowly turned into screams

"hey you're fine see he is my friend," I said as I hugged Colton he didn't react to that very well turning his head away from my face I let him go and turned back to miles who was still screaming but it was so quiet it was almost like a whimper

"well as Ii can see you still have to get used to me so I'll let you stay in a leftover room and you won't hurt me or miles," Colton says a little annoyed

"one I don't like it here why would I stay two I would never hurt miles he's my friend" miles said raspy from crying

"Whatever" Colton replied

 It had been a little while since Jaden had agreed to coltons offer I had been sending some time with both equally I originally had spent more time with Jaden but that made Colton mad so I spent more time with him and I know what you're thinking if he was angry at me maybe he is manipulative but it wasn't like that like he always looked sad or angry when I came back form Jaden,s room oh yea I forgot after I told Colton about my nightmare and how much it scared me we started staying in the same room, yes the room only had one bed but it's fine now back to the story i was sitting in my room waiting for Colton to come back from jadens place when i heard a plate smash in the other room or jadens room I didnt want to go out there so i just put my ear to the wall i couldn't hear who they were but this is what i heard

"What the hell"

"Ugg he's mine goddamit"

"He was never any of ours we have had this conversation before he belongs to Alice"

"Well Alice is dead"

That's when I realized who was talking 


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