when win realise they got caught

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hI FrIEnDs,
Just wanted to tell you that I didn't want gigie to be a bad person she never was or are, in the series, she helped them get back together and let sarawat go....
And yeah! That's it, Hope you enjoy this chapter!!

"Bright...she is...win's relative" they whispered into my ear as I nodded at gigie
"So...Why did you call me?" I ask gigie as I was why she wanna talk about win

"How do you know win? What do you want from him? You've talking to him a lot lately"

I don't talk to him much as 'bright'...only on games as dragonknight...so, what is she even talking about?

"What do you mean?"
"I know that you've been talking to him online"gigie says as my went wide

How did she find out? Most of the people in this school tried but no one could...
How did she...?

"What do you mean?" I asked her trying not to be obvious
"I know that you're 'dragonknight'
From the games,win has been talking to you a lot lately, you're the only one he even talks about.."gigie confesses

He talks about me?

"But how did you-" she cut me off saying..
"That doesn't matter! No answer me! What do you want from him?" Gigie shouts earning the attention of my friends who were trying eavesdrop
"Come out!" I shout out so that my friends would come out
Mike and gunsmile looked at each other knowing that they were in trouble even if they run off, so they came up to me and asked what happened

"I'm asking you!" Gigie gets angry

Why the he'll is she getting angry for? It's not like I'm gonna use him or do anything to him

"Woah, woah, calm down...What are you talking about?"Mike asks gigie as she calms down

"He's using my brother"
Gigie tell my friends as they gave a small smile and says...

Huh? She's his sister? Since when did he have a sibling? No,She must be his cousin

"He's not using Win for anything he just wanted to be friends..."gunsmile tells gigie "or more..." Mike whispers to me as they both wiggle their eyebrows at me, I rolled my eyes and looked at gigie...she was confused but then she got what they meant and gasps
"What the hell bright!"gigie says shocked

"You have only known him for two weeks!!" Gigie says as she glares at me

"You don't need time to fall in love, it can start from a second to years" I
told gigie as she game a sad yet disappointed face then told me...
"You can't...Win can't..."gigie sad in a low and sad voice

"What do you mean?" I asks her
"He's not allowed to...there's someone...who-I'm sorry...Stay away from my brother for yours and his sake, please"gigie says and she runs away...

What did she mean my 'our sake'? What did she mean by 'stay away'? There was something suspicious about how her attitude just changed in one second...It's like she saw someone

I looked around...but there was no one except for some girls from our faculty who were going to the field besides them...no one was there...

What did she mean by we can't?

There was thousands of questions in my head as I walked towards nearest cafe to buy some coffee


I was sitting in my usual cafeteria table when gigie came and sat with me with a sad face...

"Gigie?"I called her, but no response
"Gigie, what's wrong? You know you can always talk to me when your sad.."I told her as she looked up to me

"Win...can I ask you something?"
"Sure, What is it?" I asked her
"Um...do you like that online friend of yours?" Gigie asked me with worry written on her face
"Huh!? What kind of question is that? No! I don't, he's just a friend, What made you think that?"I asked after answering her question
"Is that why your sad? You like him?"I asked her
"Ew no! I don't like him...It's just that you know we're not allowed to like anyone or else we would..."
"I know..."
"I know who he is..."gigie told me...
"What? You know who he is?"
I asked her
"Yeah...He's-"I cut her off saying
"Dont! I don't wanna know...if I do...I would talk to him...and if I did... you know what will happen to him and us"I told her with worried face
"I'm sorry..."gigie apologies
"Hey...It's fine, don't worry we didn't do anything so...it'll be fine..."I told her
"But...I saw him and his friends now...I talk to him...I almost told him the truth...and... he saw me talking to them..."
"WHAT!!?? WHY!?" I asked her with a scared, worried and sadness written on my face "I didn't want them to get hurt, especially because of us...."


hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, wanna now who that mysterious person is? please wait for the next chapter....i'll try to make time for writing chapters everyday....

If you liked this chapter please don't forget to vote and comment on who you think that person is..or who you want it to be...

bYe FriEnDs

bYe FriEnDs

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