at first glance - spencer reid

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The morning light broke through your curtains of your white bricked room. The muscles in your neck tensed as you rolled to your side. Your phone lit up: 6:48 AM, a groan leaving your lips. You couldn't help but feel a bit unwelcome in your own bed, it being your first week in Washington, D.C.

You shifted out of bed, stepping into the clothing you'd carefully laid out the night prior. You knew there was no way you could make this day perfect, but you were sure as hell going to try. Today was your first day at your dream job, you had recently been appointed as the head liaison at the Behavioral Analysis Unit. It had been years in the making. Since you were twenty, it was your dream to join the FBI.

You stepped in front of the mirror as you buttoned the front of your blouse. You thought to yourself, "this is it, Y/N."

The train ride to the BAU was uncharacteristically quiet. You drew a book from your bag, reading the same page over and over, your nerves running through you fingers. Before you knew it, you had snapped the book shut in your hands. You run your fingers through your hair, glancing out the window as you approach your stop.

"Nervous?" A voice sneaks out from behind you. Your head snaps in that direction, a tall, handsome figure stood behind you. He smiled as he met your gaze, his hair hanging disheveled as he glances down at you.

"Um..yeah. It's my first day at a new job. Just butterflies."

He shyly reaches a hand out in your direction, "Uh-Spencer Reid. Are you new to the area?"

"I'm Y/N. I just moved here.. for the job. It's kind of my dream job." You laughed under your breath, careful not to reveal too much personal information to the stranger in front of you.

The train rolled to a stop and you stood to exit. You noticed Spencer walking comfortably behind you. "Which direction are you headed?" you called back in his direction.

He skipped up to you, walking along your side. He points ahead at the building half a mile in front of you. Sheepishly, he added, "I work for the FBI actually." The humility in his voice was present to you. It made sense, the dress pants and button-up, the bag at his side, a Joseph Conrad novel in hand.

"Oh, me too. I was just hired to work with the BAU." You return the timid introduction, still unsure of yourself in this position. It wasn't that you were too young necessarily, but being under thirty was uncommon for a position like this.

He caught your gaze, unable to hide his clear excitement at this remark. "You're the new liaison? Uh, formally I'm BAU Special Agent Dr. Reid." He points to himself, softly smiling. No wonder he seemed to read her better than the book in her hands.

"That I am, Agent Y/L/N, I suppose," you gestured to yourself. The title was still unfamiliar to you, but you were more than proud to wear the title.

"I have to be honest, I could tell you were government before you introduced yourself to me." Oh? You questioned to yourself. "Well for starters you were reading Thomas Bond. He may be a famous profiler but he isn't exactly a household name." Your cheeks turned read, suddenly realizing how intelligent this man truly was.

"I guess I have some room to grow in my profiling skills, given you gathered all of that." You shrugged up at him.

"After what Hotch has said about you, I'm sure you'll fit right in." You decided not to question this remark, but you felt a sense of pride in knowing your new boss had spoken fondly of you.

The two of you walked toward the building, signing in and riding the elevator up together. "You're going to love the team," his remark seemed genuine, like he truly enjoyed his role at the unit.

You walked into the BAU floor after Spencer and was immediately greeted, "Agent Aaron Hotchner, it's good to have you here Agent Y/L/N." You had been interviewed over video with Agent Hotchner but his presence was even more intimidating in person.

Just as you were about to thank Hotchner for his welcome, you hear a voice calling your name in the back of the room. A blonde woman in an eccentric dress and heels came running over to you. "You must be Y/N. It's so good to meet you!" She pulled you into a quick hug, continuing to speak through the tight embrace. "Sorry! I'm a hugger."

You giggled through her embrace, "It's okay, nice to meet you."

"Oh shoot," she pulled back from the hug. "Penelope Garcia," she reached out a handshake. You laughed as you noticed the ring pop she had accessorized with that morning.

A few minutes passed and you exchanged pleasantries whilst meeting the team. As you began to get settled at your desk, Agent Hotchner peeked his head out his office door. "Wheels up in 20 team, we've got a case." You gathered your things, not expecting to jump into things so quickly. But you weren't opposed to getting to spend a bit more time with Dr. Reid for the next few hours on the plane.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Aug 13, 2020 ⏰

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