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Caroline told me that she needs help to set for Miss Mystic Falls pageant, I agreed because I need a distraction from what I found out yesterday about my adoptive parents. Caroline was on the phone with Stefan, she was trying to convince him to come to the pageant, but I don't think he's budging. "You're a founding family member Stefan, you have to be there" I say knowing he can hear me. Caroline is quiet, but then she lets out a loud "What" catching ye attention of some people.

"Not so loud Care" I say to her, "She can't have feelings for Damon. He's Damon and you're you. And I'm revolted" Caroline says, "Elena has feelings for Damon? Bet he's happy" I mumble the last part, even though Caroline and Stefan could both hear me. "Rowan and I will talk some sense into her. We'll shake some sense into her clearly diseased brain" Caroline tells Stefan, "Since when I'm doing this? I have a date with Klaus to worry about" I say, Caroline looks at me and shakes her head then hangs up the phone with Stefan. And just in time too because Elena approaches us.


Damon called me and I hesitatingly picked up since I'm busy helping Caroline with this, "I'm busy Damon, what?" I say as I picked up the phone. "Well how would you like to help your favourite vampire out instead" he says obviously smirking, "I'm already helping my favourite vampire, Caroline" I say looking over at her and Elena, "Listen I need help to find out what Professor Shane is up too. Stefan won't help" Damon says mumbling the last part, I shake my head and roll my eyes, "I wonder why, maybe because his girlfriend broke up with him because she said she has feelings for his brother. Oh wait that's you" I say with sarcasm.

"No need to be snarky. So you gonna help or not" Damon says again, "I can't. Get Bonnie or someone else to help. Goodbye Damon" I say hanging up the phone not letting him get another word in. I sigh and walk over to Elena and Caroline. "Who were you on the phone with?" Caroline asks, "Damon" I sigh, this caught Elena's attention. "Damon? What were you talking to him for?" she asks, "He asked me to help him find out about Professor Shane, I declined because I have other stuff to do, and I don't really wanna do supernatural stuff right now. I just want a somewhat normal day" I say sighing and looking down.

"This is Mystic Falls, nothing is ever normal
now" Elena sighs, I dozed off from Caroline and Elena's conversation, it was mainly them talking about Stefan being heartbroken and Elena having feelings for Damon, just your average love triangle. I came back into the conversation when Professor Shane came over. "I'm a little lost. I'm here to interview contestants" he tells us, "You're Professor Shane" Elena states to him, "That's right" he confirms, "Professor by day, pageant judge by other day" he jokes, we don't really laugh, Caroline lets out a small chuckle.

"In spite of being absurdly unqualified, I'm awarding a scholarship" he finishes. "Just inside the parlor right in there" I point in the direction he was looking for, "I'll just follow the scent of hairspray and world domination" Shane says walking backwards to the direction we pointed at. Once he leaves we continue our conversation, only this time I don't doze off. "He's the one who told you guys how to break the hunter's curse" Elena says looking at me and I nod, "He's also the one that has Bonnie so obsessed with practicing magic that she bailed on pageant prep" Caroline says

"And now he's judging Miss Mystic Falls?" I say, "Didn't last years one... not go well?" I ask, "We don't talk about it" Caroline sighs, "Anyway Professor Shane, Jack of all trades or kinda creepy" Elena says changing the subject. "Creepy" we all say at the same time.


Caroline gave me a list of things to do and to tell people where to put stuff and, it seems like a lot, but it's the perfect distraction for me. I see a group of girls bring potted flowers in, "No these don't go here, they go in the back" I tell them, "Yeah don't let Caroline see you mess things up" I say as they walk around the back, I sigh. "This is something I didn't expect you to do" Klaus says walking up to me.

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