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My eyes open and I gasp awake heavily breathing looking around at my surroundings trying to remember what happened, I also noticed it was light out, did I pass out? Then the memory of what happened comes flashing back.

I wasn't watching where I was going because I tripped in a hole. I felt my ankle pop and make another weird sound, "Ouch" I say holding my ankle, "Ro you okay?" Bonnie says knelling down next to me, "No my ankle really sore. I don't think I can walk on it" I say, "Heal you up with some vampire blood. All good" Rebekah says biting into her wrist and putting it in front of me, I grab her wrist and drink some of the blood.

"Elena?" I say confused, "Wrong" she replies looking at me evily. "Katherine" I say trying to get out her grip, "Not so fast little one. We haven't even had time to chat" she says smirking, "We don't talk. We're not friends" I state, "Too bad. We could've made the best of friends" she says faking sweet, "Like hell" I say shaking my head. "I'm sorry about this Rowan. Not really" she says shaking her head, confused I go to speak, but before I can. She puts her hands over my mouth and nose, pushing down hard. I can't breathe. I try to push her away, get out her grip, I try fighting, just to get a gasp of breathe. I feel my vision get foggy, I can't see. Then everything goes black.

I had Rebekah's blood in my system from when I hurt my ankle. Katherine was following us. She killed me. Katherine killed me with vampire blood in my system, I'm a vampire now. The thing I never wanted to become. I'm on a deserted island in transition to be a vampire, with no human blood in sight, and none of my friends around to help me. Even I could find them, I have no idea where I am, like I said last night, or the night before, I don't know anymore everything looks the same.

On top of that my head is killing me, the sun is so bright, a highlight of transiting I guess. I remember seeing Elena go through with this, and I have the rest of the day to drink human blood or I die, this time for good. And quite frankly that seems to be my option since I'm lost. "You're not gonna die alone our here" I say to myself weakly standing up, "You're gonna find your friends somehow and they'll help you" I add. I take a breathe and begin to walk, hoping that it'll lead me somewhere.

As I'm walking I get a sudden flash, a memory, a compelled memory is coming back.

"You're welcome to stay Rowan, or leave. I don't really care" he says to me before storming out the room. I look at Rebekah then to where Klaus was and I chase after him. I find him just in the next room over, "Klaus" I say upon seeing him, "I'm in no mood to talk Rowan" he says not looking at me, "Well then listen" I say, he looks up at me and I inhale, "I don't know if you care or whatever, but when everyone thought you were dead. I didn't know what to think, everyone was worried they'd follow after, but when they didn't, they were relieved because you weren't their sire, but me? I cried, I was devastated, it wasn't like the others, the bad guy was gone, but you weren't the bad guy in my story" I say to him, not sure where I'm even going with this.

I notice his expression was blank, I look down, "Right yeah. I'm gonna walk home now" I say awkwardly pointing towards the door, I turn around but Klaus is front of me. Confused I go to say something, but before I can even say anything, he leans down and kisses me, and he was good at it.

We both pull away, both breathing and staring into each other's eyes, before leaning back into each other and kissing again, more aggressively. Klaus pulls away, "I love you but don't deserve you" he says, I shake my head, "Everyone deserves to be happy" I say smiling up at him, "Maybe, but I don't deserve you. Which is why you're gonna forget me saying I love you. All you remember is us kissing that's all. Then you went home. Good night Rowan" he says before kissing my temple.I blinked and I heard a woosh, I opened my eyes, and he was gone. I look down and shake my head and headed home.

i need you | k. mikaelson ✓Where stories live. Discover now