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You grew up with Jotaro.  Your parents and his parents were close, so naturally you became friends at a young age.

As you grew up though, he became distant.  You figured it was just puberty or something, but he was just full on edgy.  You didn't want to annoy him or cling to him like his fangirls did, so you distanced yourself.  He didn't seem bothered by it.  Sure, after school you'll walk with him, he doesn't mind that either since you don't start conversations anymore.  Not that he would mind if you did either.  In fact, he was slightly concerned about your actions lately.  How you distanced yourself from him, didn't talk as much, how your eyes looked so dull despite your cheery face.  Though, he would never acknowledge it.

You woke up, groaning at the annoying noise of your alarm clock.  Aka, your mother yelling.

You immediately got up, as you didn't want to disappoint anyone.  That was the thing now too.  You always felt self-concious about what you did or wore.  If your skirt was too short, you thought people would think of you as a whore, so you always wore leggings.  If your shirt was too tight around your arms, or just tight in general.  So you wore loose shirts.  You just felt inferior to the world now. 

Half of it was because you thought Jotaro got bored of you for all these things.  Maybe you're the reason he hates girls, hates girls for following him, hates girls for talking too much.  You thought you were the whole start of it.  So you just stook to trailing behind him and never talking. 

When you two were young, you were both lifely.  He was much kinder and sweet, but you understood, people grow up.  Perhaps that's what you hated.

Shaking your head to rid those thought, you got ready and headed downstairs.

"Breakfast is on the table." Your mom said.

"I'm not hungry, I'll eat later though." You replied, fake smiling.  Truth is, you were just trying to loose weight so more of your old shirts would fit instead of having your mom buy new ones.  Even the Kujo family offered to buy you clothes since they knew your money problem ever since your dad left, but you dismissed it.  You didn't want to burden them. 

It seemed like Jotaro was fully unaware that your dad had left.  He rarely went to your house now, only time he went was to ask for help for the schoolwork, but that's it.  Your heart ached at the thought.  You two were such good friends, why did he change so suddenly? 

You used to try talking about random stuff, but you found out he got annoyed by people who did that.  Though it wasn't directed at you, you still stopped. 

Even when he left his house first, you'd yell his name and try catching up to him, but you ended that too.  For the same reason you stopped having random conversations.

As you exited your house, you felt a tear roll down your cheek.  You ignored it, quickly trailing behind Jotaro. 

Little did you know, he was confused as to why you changed too.  Honestly, you did mean a lot to him, he wouldn't mind if it was you talking to him or walking near him.  But you seemed to stop doing that, so he didn't mind either. 

Your whole body ached with anxiety as you walked to school. 

As you got to the school gate, Jotaro's fangirls caught up, soon to push you away, which Jotaro didn't notice.  You just silently accepted it. 

Soon that anxiety you felt crept over again, but worse.  To no one's notice, besides your mom, you had developed severe anxiety. Which you kept completely secret from the world.  Of course, it had to kick in now.  You managed to walk pass Jotaro's fangirls and Jotaro himself, as you made a beeline to the rooftop.  The only place you felt at ease.

Jotaro was confused, but decided he would ask you at lunch.  Luckily, you two still ate lunch together. 

As you took your secret route to the rooftop, you immediately dropped to your knees.  Your feeling if inferiority kicked in, you felt like you were sinking.  So you cried, the tears wouldn't stop.  All your bottled up emotions found there way out as you wept.

You looked at the time, class was already starting.  You figured you could just go to your second class instead.  As you dully looked out pass the fence surrounding the roofs edge, you heard the door open.  You froze in fear thinking it was some management guy, but it was Jotaro.

"Y/n." He bluntly called out.

You turned around, sure to hide any evidence of your crying.  You didn't need him to worry anyways.


"Yare yare... What's up with you lately?" Jotaro sighed.

"Nothing, just stressed from school work I guess.  Don't worry." You felt tears brim your waterlines, luckily you knew a perfect excuse if he noticed.

"We both know that's a lie.  Come here."

You nodded, walking over. 

He sat down, patting the spot next to him for you to sit down.

"I'm sorry." You randomly stated.

"For what? There's nothing to be sorry about."  Jotaro asked, confused.

"Aren't I such a burden to you?  I always follow you around and I can't stop.  You're even here right now, I'm probably wasting your time."  You nervously laughed.

"What the hell nonsense is that? From what I noticed you barely talk to me, you're always gone from my side, and you're never happy.  Honestly, you're the only one I enjoy having around." He admitted.

"You actually notice..?"

"Yes.  You expect me not to?"

It was a bit surprising he was talking a lot, but for you, it was an exception.

"I thought you wanted to get away from me, that's why I did that."

"What? God, no."


He hummef in acknowledgement.

"I know this is a push, but..."

"But what? Just spit it out."

"Can I sit in your lap, like we used to when we were younger... It was just comforting to me, and my life has been..." You trailed off, embarrassed from your request.

"Your life has been hard, I know.  I know everything about you, Y/n."
Jotaro replied, pulling you into his lap.

You both sat there for who knows how long.  It was comforting and brought you two closer than you have been.

But in all honesty, Jotaro would do anything in the world to make you happy.

That's what made your friendship special.

this was a comfort oneshot and yeah❤️ sorry if jotaro seems ooc- i tried to make him not ooc lol but i just wanted to feel better at the time so that's what happened
1004 words without notes

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