one shot :)

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I Just Told Her

Tuesday morning and it's one of my boring ones. I just sit here, my face ducked over my desk letting the four walls of my classroom swallow me to boredom. There is nothing to do, no one to talk to, and nothing to pump me up with, well-- there could be one. But he's outside having a little fun with his friends messing around with people, amusing himself by doing little pranks on them. I do fancy him, but obviously he don't know it, and I can assure you he feels nothing for me. Because if that is the case, he should've confessed to me ages ago.

As a result of boredom, I let out a deep yawn, just in time to hear a chair being pulled and without thinking, Ilift my sleepy head with my mouth wide, wide open as my yawning is not yet over. And in that moment, Icursd myself. It was my guy, James staring at me wide-eyed, curious, his face a mixture of confusion and a hint of mock teasing.

I abruptly snapped my mouth close and sarcastically yelled at him " WHY ARE YOU HERE?! You scared the hell out of me!" he laughed. " Ithought you were asleep." He said showing off his perfect set of teeth. " I was, but then you popped out of nowhere. Why're you here anyway? " Isaid acting very irritated. But of course it was all a sham it was like butterflies were all getting demented inside my stomach. I just hope i don't blush.

"Hey, don't be mad. I just want to habe a chat with you."  He said. I have a bad feeling about this. " Yeah? So? " I asked my face distorted. He laughed, he's enjoying himself. " Look, i just want to ask you something only girls know." he straightened up his face looking damn serious. " why not try the other girls? why do it have to be me? " " oh cmon, theyre busy putting make up on their faces, dont want to disturb them." " right so you woke me up from my very comfortable sleep over those b*tches ther? nice. " now im annoyed.

"okay, i want it to come from you. i dont expect very good answers from them,you see. now if you dont want to help me, then fine." he was about to stand up when i said: " sure fine, what do you want?"

"yes! i just want to ask you how to confess to a girl. what should i say. you know-the-gestures, the things to do in front of a girl. what could be the exact words she wants to hear? do i need to give gi---"

i didnt let him finish. i laughed. hard. " youre a guy! of course you know how. i bet youve already done that loads of times." " well, you see. youre wrong." he replied sincerely honest and shy.

"what?!" i was dumbfounded. "really? you think im kidding?" he asked me. his eyes soft and warm. " of course i do believe you, its just-its just-nevermind. okay, so you like this girl?"

" yeah, years ago. i liked this girl the first time i met her." there was like a sharp pang of jealousy i felt after his words. " wow, how come you never tell her?" i asked hiding the pain. he said he liked her because shes smart and talks her mind, very quiet but funny. he said he never told her because he was afraid of being rejected and he thinks he never have a chance. he thinks hes never worth of her.

all through out the conversation, i kept on trying to boost his hopes and complimenting him to make him feel okay. he seemed to have effect and i found myself comfortable with him until we got to the point where he wants to practice his speech with me.

"okay. i tell everything i want to say. just stay there and lets assume youre the girl, okay?" his eyes sparkling now with new hope, he didnt know how pain i feel. so i agreed.

his eyes are intense as they dig through me. searching every detail of my face looking very serious as he starts his speech. " nadine.. you have been my inspiration through out my highschool life. you are so quiet yet you make my heart beat like a drum. i have loved you since the day i knew your name. i love your long silky hair, your maldita look, your habit of singing whenever you want despite of your creepy voice." he laughed and i got chills with me. " i want to let you know that i terribly love you. and i would like to court you and make you mine--forever."

the moment he was finished. i couldnt help digging through the clues, but i washed it away from me. it wasnt me. with the most plastic smile i could give, with standing the urge not to cry whether because of hurt or with joy or with stupidity that i ever thought he was describing me. i mockingly teased him. " that was great, now youre ready to tell her you love her!

he smiled more serenely and said


END <3

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 06, 2015 ⏰

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