Jealous - NSFW

2.2K 38 12

Pairing: Rowoon x Female!Reader

Summary: Things (almost) happen in a bar with you and a middle-aged man. Rowoon rescues you, but you decide that you'll mess with him a little bit more.

Word count: 1.8k of filth. Buckle up, fellas

Warnings: orgasm denial (?); could be unprotected sex; literally my first smut EVER so... yeah; me struggling to write Rowoon as dom because he's soft in my mind; him being super soft during aftercare; I think that's it. Enjoy!

I'm wishing all the eyes of men go blind,
so that only I can make you mine.

The room is packed with people when you walk in with your boyfriend, the music immediately becoming almost too loud for your ears.

Tonight is their album release celebration, and everyone's in high spirits. The boys greet you and Rowoon excitedly, asking if you were joining their drinking game, to which you said no.

Drinking with SF9 will most likely result in chaos, after all. You know they'll need someone to make sure they go back home safe amidst their drunkenness, so you decided to take the responsibility for tonight.

You plop yourself on the couch, unable to take your eyes off of Rowoon. You know that if you were there for another second, all self-restraint would be thrown out the window. The weeks of being pent up is definitely not helping.

In his white button-down shirt that fits almost too snugly, you can see the outline of his body whenever he moves. You watch as he reaches over to poke Youngbin's side playfully, revealing the waistband of his underwear. You want to trail your hands down from his chest to his abs, watch as he shivers from under you...

You sigh to yourself. It's too early in the night to be thinking about him like this.

Your thoughts are interrupted by a middle-aged man sitting uncomfortably close to you.

"Can I buy you a drink, honey? You look awfully lonely..." he slurs, his breath reeking of alcohol. "Maybe I can make you feel good," he continues.

You scoot away from him as subtly as possible, scared that something worse will happen if you fight back. "No, thank you," you answer with a fake smile and a polite nod.

"Come on, sugar, I'll show you what you've been missing out—"

"I'll show you what happens if you move one inch closer to her," you hear Rowoon's familiar voice from behind you, making you sigh in relief.

"Oh, the boyfriend has come to the rescue. I'm so scared," the man replies mockingly, not even looking at him.

"I'm giving you a chance to get out of here before I make you," Rowoon answers, and you can hear the rage in his voice.

You internally smack yourself for thinking that it's hot. Yeah, you being pent up definitely isn't helping this situation whatsoever. Rowoon and this random man might get into a fight, and you're imagining how it'd feel like to have Rowoon pin you down right here, right now? Unbelievable.

The man finally scans Rowoon up and down—you notice how high he had to crane his neck up just to see Rowoon's face—before immediately getting up and walking away as if nothing happened.

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