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BHAHAHAHHA ok so i'm really sorry for not updating because i'm watching banana fish.
<y/n's POV>

y/n is now taking a bath while scrolling thru stories and when she saw Sakusa's story she instantly replied to his stories and typed "i only saw you one time and i'm already whipped for you 🤧"

<Sakusa's POV>

i was in my room, cleaning, when my phone suddenly buzz notifying me that someone messaged me.

"this is probably atsumu, he always messaged me randomly" said by Sakusa in his head

Sakusa's eyes widen when he saw that you message him, he then instantly replied

i only saw you one time and i'm already whipped for you 🤧


im starting to feel your blunt asf💀

how dare you to assume me im blunt?

sakusak2220nopesakusak2220how dare you to assume me im blunt?

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yes ❤️

no 😻
im cleaning my apartment and ur here interrupting me 😤

its not my fault,  you decided to reply to me 🥱
and just continue cleaning now
i have to hang out with my friend

<back to Y/n's POV>

"ugh he left me on seen this mf" said by y/n in her mind

y/n is now on her closet checking which clothes she would wear in her hang out this afternoon.

she decided to wear a white skirt with a blue sweater, and a blue fanny bag.

"great!" you said before leaving your apartment with your keys and phone in your hands

"great!" you said before leaving your apartment with your keys and phone in your hands

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(this is for timeskip btw)

y/n is outside of Starbucks when she decided to call suzy.

(Suzy's POV>

"wait hold on guys, y/n is calling me." she said to the group shes talking to

"hello?" she said

"hey where are you? im outside of starbuck come here NOW!" y/n said

"hold on i'm with my other friends bitch
can't you just wait?" she said

"geez no need to be aggressive. I'm just joking lol or i'll just come there and bring ur other friends here,so we can have more fun is that alright?" y/n said to her

"yeah" she said

"ok so where are you? im coming there to get you and your other friends there." y/n said as noises of her walking can now hear

"oh we're at the outside of the mall that is next to parking lots she said

"ok" is the last thing suzy heard from her phone.

"ok" is the last thing suzy heard from her phone

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<back to Y/n's POV>

Y/n is now at side of the mall when she was about to open her open to call suzy, she suddenly saw suzy with atsumu, osamu and a girl with long hair and bangs.

she then approaches them

"HEY SUZY" you said, Suzy was about to answer when atsumu suddenly said "nice to see you here princess" he then winked at me.

you then said "do NOT call me princess motherfucker and you're not even the one im talking to, why did you answer?" as you spat and raise an eyebrow at him.

Osamu then said "sorry about him Y/n, he is always like this."

you said "yeah yeah whatever, mind introducing your name girl." pointing at girl next to Osamu

<Joon Jie-Woon's POV>

"HEY SUZY" a girly voice heard
Atsumu then butted in and said "nice to see you here princess." while he winked at her

she then said " do NOT call me princess motherfucker and you are not even the one im talking to, why did you answer?"

Osamu them said "sorry about him Y/n, he is always like that."

"wait she is the y/n kim I'm following in insta, she look prettier irl than in social media." said by her in her mind

(a/n- are you trying to call y/n chan ugly?)

Y/n said "yeah yeah whatever, mind introducing your name girl." pointing at my direction

"oh um my name is Joon Jie-Woon,i'm Osamu's Girlfriend, just call me jiejie or jie." she said to Y/n

(back to Y/n's POV)

Y/n's eyes widen when she heard her say her name.

"oh you're that girl who keeps commenting on my posts, NICE TO MEET YOU!" she said in an excited voice while she hugged her hard

"n-nice to m-meet you too!" she mumbled as she hugged her back.

"Y/n back away, she is struggling to breathe dumbass!" Suzy said

Y/n then said "Fine" while pulling away


"Sure!" said by the three dorks"

im leaving it here, my phone needs to charge lol 😤

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