🐰🐥 Chapter Two 🐥🐰

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The very next day, Jungkook mustered up courage and walked up the stairs, to where senior students class rooms is located at.

He felt nervous on how Jimin will react.

The boy caught Jimin standing near his locker while taking out books. Jungkook walked closer to the older and heard him humming a song.

His voice was so dulcet.

"Jimin-ssi" Jungkook called out as Jimin turned to him, shocked to see the boy here. "I want some help in acting. Are you free?" He asked as Jimin shrugged.

"After class, we can meet up in the dance studio" Jimin smiled.

"T-thank you" Jungkook mumbled feeling guilty.


The classes went smooth for the two high school students.

Jimin was already sitting in one of the chair in the dance studio, waiting for his junior.

The creaking sound of the door, signalled someone just opened the door and entered in.

"Good Evening, Jimin-ssi" Jungkook bowed, his phone clutched tightly in his hand.

"Good Evening, Jungkook-ssi. So, in what part of acting, do you want help in?" He asked as he bowed at Jungkook too.

"S-sex scenes" Jungkook mumbled.

"Don't have to be shy, Jungkook-ssi" Jimin smiled kindly. "I will surely help you with it" he said. "Let's start from the basics on how to lo-"

"Moans. Teach me how to fake moan" Jungkook blurted out as Jimin coughed in shock.

"O-okay" he awkwardly said as he closed his eyes, taking a deep breath.

Jungkook turned on the recording button and waited.

The silent studio wasn't silent anymore, as Jimin's soft fake moans filled the studio.

Jungkook couldn't help but find it hot as his grip on the phone tightened. His breathing fastened, as he bit his lips while hearing his fake moans.

"Aghh~ feels so good~" Jimin moaned as he felt himself sweat.

A few minutes went by, Jimin moaning fakely. And then he stopped.

"Was that enough, Jungk-" Jimin turned silent once he saw Jungkook standing right in front of me. The boy long ago turned off the recorder and walked to the beautiful boy. "W-what ar-"

"You did this to me Hyung" Jungkook whispered as he took the older's soft small hands and placed it on his bulge. "Do you w-want to feel me?" He asked as Jimin's eyes widened, turning pink from embarassment and shyness.

"I-I don-"

"I know you want to. P-please let me do this to you. I-I want to fuck you real good" Jungkook whispered as his breathing increased.

Jimin stared into the boy's eyes and couldn't help but get lost by his beauty. "O-okay" he mumbled, feeling hypnotized.

Jungkook pulled the older for a passionate kiss as his hand caressed his sides.


Jimin layed in the dance studio floor, his hair and body dishealved. He was covered by his clothes but wasn't wearing them.

He looked around, searching for the boy who causes him to be in this state.

"J-jungkook" he squeaked out, his voice hoarse from screaming. "Jungkook!"

No response.

Tears formed in his eyes as he hugged his himself. "H-he used m-me" Jimin whispered.

The boy sat there alone, after having sex with Jungkook, crying in the dance studio.



Yet again, I completely changed everything 😅
This isn't minor editing. I fucking changed the whole plot 🤣

Don't forget to click the star and leave your feedbacks!!!

Where do you guys want me to improve? 🤔
(Other than grammar, as I know my grammar is shit and I am trying to improve 😂)

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