Chapter 10

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I woke up and started getting ready for school. I wore a grey sweater with regular jeans, nothing special, but tonight I would look special! I was overwhelmed with thoughts, some like will Johnny like my dress or would Johnny show up I knew he would be there or Katie would beat him up. She was a great bff, Johnny was adorable. I snatched my bag and slipped my shoes on. I ran downstairs. "Johnny's here to pick you up" she winked at me. I smiled at her "thanks mom" I walked outside and saw Johnny sitting on his motorcycle waiting for me. He looked at me and smiled. UGH THAT SMILE IS TO CUTE. I ran to him while he was getting off the motorcycle. I ran into his grip and hugged him, his smell was nice too. I looked up and kissed Johnny, he grinned cutely when we pulled apart. He was so cute! I loved him so much and never wanted to lose him, I've fallen hard for him. Johnny looked at me "ready Love?" " of course! " he seemed really happy. He handed me his helmet and I put it on.He sat down on his motorcycle and I got on as well hugging him tightly. We rode for what felt like the shortest amount of time before we arrived. While we were pulling up and I saw a girl that looked about our age, must be Elizabeth because she waved a Johnny and winked at him. Johnny threw a disgusted look at her, she saw me and she looked like she wanted to slap me. We pulled up and Johnny and I walked together into school. While walking through the halls he grabbed my hand and held it. "You wanna hold my hand?" " of course I do" "why, don't you feel embarrassed" " no! I'll let the whole world know your my girl! " my eyes full of tears now "Thank you Johnny" he smiled at me " don't cry" "sorry Johnny"
"Don't be, it's ok" he stopped walking and pulled me into a hug.
He was my teddy bear!

When we made it to class, everyone looked at us holding hands.
" you people gotta problem" everyone turned back around and started whispering. Johnny let my hand go and we lightly kissed before we sat down. As I say down Katie grinned at me "Lovebirds" I laughed. " I'm so excited for prom" "Me too, I can't wait to see what Johnny thinks of my dress" "Za- WAIT did you see Elizabeth yet" "I think so, outside " "yep! That's her" right then Elizabeth walked in and say beside Johnny. Katie looked at her and rolled her eyes. Elizabeth looked at Johnny and tried talking to him but he just ignored her.Johnny looked at me and pointed at Elizabeth and pretended to vomit. We both laughed, until Elizabeth put her hand on Johnnys Thigh. He slapped her hand and she pulled away. "Why did you do that?!" She yelled
" because I don't want your hand on me" "why not?!" " because I have a girlfriend " "Who?!"  " Y/N" she looked at me up and down she mumbled something I think she said ew. "Now stop touching me" "oh come on Johnny you don't need a ugly girl like her, I'm prettier than her so date me" "NO! I LOVE Y/N NOT YOU!" Johnny looked around the room. Everyone was looking at them, he got up and moved to our table since we had a empty seat. Johnny was mad..I got up and moved behind him and put my hands around him. I felt him smile "you really care about me" I whispered "I do, I really do" "can you spend the night at my house" " yea Y/N" "Thank you" "no problem Love"

~After school~
I went home to make sure everything was ready for prom. Makeup, dress, heels, my silver necklace and earrings, Hair spray. all here!
I knew Johnny would look amazing, he always does!

~getting ready~
I picked up my dress and stared at it for a moment realizing how beautiful it is. I began putting it on, I threw it over my head. I zipped it up and looked in the mirror. I smiled, wow I look great.
I slowly walked over to my dresser eyeing my necklace and earrings. I picked them up and put them on. I then put my heels on. I loved these heels! Now I'll do my hair, then makeup. I put my hair into to braids and tied them together in the back. Oh wow it's looks so good! "katie needed to do my makeup-" "it will be fine I can do it!" I put and little eyeliner on, then mascara. I put on a glossy pink lipstick.

~After makeup~
I looked in the mirror and gasped, I look outstanding! "You look great honey" I heard mom behind me. I turned around and saw her smiling at me in the doorway. I ran and hugged her "Thank you mom" she kissed my head. "I came to tell you that Johnny 's here for you." She looked at me. "Oh thank you mom! I love you" she smiled at me while I walked downstairs with heels on. I walked outside and saw Johnny standing by a black car. Johnny looked up at me and his eyes went wide while he started blushing. "My god you look great Love" "i'd day you don't look to bad yourself" he had his all black Tux on. He blushed. He opened the car door, I got in. He went around and got in the driver's seat.
As we started driving to the prom, he kept staring at me. "Y/N" "yes?" " I want you to know..I love you and I always will. " "Oh Johnny I love you" I brushed my lips against his. Johnny blushed. We held hands now, and I laid my head on his shoulder. "I love you so much" " i do to Johnny, I love you so much "

(Sorry it's kinda short...I wonder what will happen at prom ;) )

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