Chapter 2

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Black Rock Shooter: Master....?

Y/N: Yea?

Black Rock Shooter: Why are we here again in the Labs?

Y/N: know...exploration...I never thought there would be an abandon lab underneath the city of New York so why not explore it a bit more...

Black Rock Shooter: I see, in that case I'll help with your exploration then...

Right now you and Black Rock Shooter were back in the abandon Labs were you found her here, you two were walking through the abandon and messy corridors of Labs and soon both of you stumble the chamber where you found Black Rock Shooter.

Y/N: Welp....there the chamber where I found you sure you can't remember how you got in here?

Black Rock Shooter: I'm sorry master, I don't have any previous memories before I fell asleep, all I do remember is my name and when someone wakes me up is my Master, which is you; now that you have awaken my slumber a few days ago...

Y/N: ....I think there's more?

Black Rock Shooter: More?

Y/N: You know...more...these things, these chambers that people are asleep in...

Black Rock Shooter: not know...

Y/N: Well....

You walked towards a doorway that leads a row of stairs which leads downwards to a lower level, you then turn back towards Black Rock Shooter as you pull out your M1911 pistol and held it in your hand.

Y/N: Lets go find out if there's more then, shall we?

Black Rock Shooter just nod at you in response as she summoned her Black sword out as she grip it in her hand, blue flames surround the sword for a light source.

Black Rock Shooter: I'll lead the way then, please stay close behind me master

Black Rock Shooter then started heading down the row of stairs as her sword was shining the surroundings, you followed close behind her with your pistol grip in your hands.

Y/N: Jeez, dark down here, its a good thing you can make blue flames for our light source...

Black Rock Shooter: *nods* by the way master...

Y/N: Huh?

Black Rock Shooter: Why do your face turn red everytime you look down on my chest?

Y/N: ._. Umm...well..I..uuh...

Y/N thoughts: Shit what do I say what do I say?! Ever since the day I met her I couldn't help but check her out, her skin maybe white and pale but there actually smooth as fuck! Not to mention the way she's showing a lot of skin is enough to turn me on!

Black Rock Shooter: Do you...perhaps not like my small chest?

Y/N: N-No that's not it, in fact I like them, flat is justice after all, I even want to grope them and suck on them!

Black Rock Shooter: You want to suck my breast?

Y/N: .......

Y/N thoughts: I can't believe I fucking said that! I'm suck a fucking idiot! She's gonna think I'm nothing but a pervert!

Black Rock Shooter: Well if you want...

Y/N: Huh...?

Black Rock Shooter: I don't mind if it's you sucking my breast, if its only you master...then I'm okay with it...

Y/N: 0_0

Y/N thoughts: Well this is unexpected, usually girls don't like perverted guys....oh wait, Black Rock Shooter is no ordinary girl, I forgot that she's different...

Overpowered Harem (Black Rock Shooter x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now