1 >> school sucks and so do you

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Luke's POV:

"Michael, stop staring in the windows. You're scaring the shit out of those freshman."

I walked alongside my lilac haired friend, pulling him away from a classroom full of 14 year olds. Michael staggered after me giggling about how they have it too easy and wanted to see what innocence looked like.

I groaned and continued dragging Michael through the surging sea of people, waiting until the bell went in a couple minutes and rushing a little, because once the bell went all hell broke loose and the entire school went to lunch.

I hurried into the canteen, sliding behind a couple sophmores and fist bumbing dramatically. Michael wooped and bustled into the queue, sliding a couple slices of pizza onto my tray and shoving my way past the crowd to get to the nearest available table.

Plonking myself down, I turned to Michael who was basically orgasming over a body of tomato and cheese.
"Michael, quit jacking off to the pizza and talk to me. You said you wanted to say something."

Michael swallowed with a barely suppressed moan and turned to me, flicking his purple hair out of his eyes.
"Okay, so you know how it's prom later this year?" he queried.
"Oh God, don't remind me. Another sad year of lonely prom photos in the Hemmings household. Hang on, prom isn't what you wanted to talk to about, right? Dude, I'm flattered, but-"

Michael scoffed and kicked me under the table.
"No, dumbass, I'm not asking you to prom. When you're done sobbing that you can't come to prom with the one and only Michael Clifford, I'll continue."

After mimicking "one and only Michael Clifford" in a low gruff voice like something out of the Walking Dead and earning a glare from the lavender child, he continued.

"So I was in Chem, minding my own shit, when this girl comes and sits next to me. Obviously, Mrs. Eli is too old to know the difference between hydrochloric acid and 7-UP, so of course this went unnoticed. Anyway, she starts talking to me and all I can think is 'have we met before?'" Michael continued.

"Probably drunk-screwed her at a party, knowing you." I murmured with a smirk.
He glared at me with the force of a thousand red hot irons and sneered, "I'm in this together with your virgin ass and you know it." he laughed.

I faked a tear and recoiled dramatically. "But Mr. Clifford, what makes you think my panties go unsoiled by men as handsome as yourself?!" I said in a high pitched voice, causing Michael to come out with a short burst of laughter and scaring nearby freshman.

"Let me talk, Robert. So this girl keeps going on and on and ON about prom, and I'm just like, when does it end? And THEN, she asks me all these QUESTIONS about ME and IT WAS ALL SO PERSONAL." he exclaimed.

I grimaced and interjected.
"Is there any point to this story? If it doesn't end with either a lap-dance or a dead body I'm suing."

Cue slap from Michael.

"Shut up. So finally, I'm like, are you hinting or what? And she just lets out this massive sigh and is all like, 'yeah! Come to prom with me. We can bang after and stuff!' And you know me, I panicked and came out with the usual, sorry already have a date! And when she asked who..."

I rolled my eyes and then it hit me.
"Michael... you didn't."

He leapt forward and wrapped his arms around me, faking sobs into my shoulder.

"I had no choice, Luke! She smelled like a prostitution leader's cleaner and her lips were straight out of a Nicki Minaj video, I cracked! I cracked under pressure! So we're going to prom together now." He said, slowly and cautiously untangling himself from me.

"Michael Clifford, you are a dead man."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 07, 2015 ⏰

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