Looks = Quality?

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There was once a cobbler, who lives happily, despite living hard. He knew that the payment from being a cobbler was not much, but despite that, he's enjoying his work, and that's what matters to him.

All the cobbling equipments were provided. He felt blessed, although it's all nothing that he owns. The equipments are gifts from various people, and he treasured it as much. Even the art of cobbling was taught to him by a dear friend.

From day to day, he's tailoring the people needs, and although it's tiring, he never complaints. He enjoyed working with his both two hands, every resources that he spent, those energy of his, was never regretted. All the task was accomplished before deadline, and he finds this as a motivation for him to be happy and enjoyable in his work as a cobbler.

He cobbled from different type of shoes, including
ankle boot, army boot, cleats, climbing shoes, high hills, and even cowboy boots. The size of the shoes always varies from different patrons.

Some has allergy to types of leathers, materials of soles, and for that, he tried to adapt the best for his patrons. Suggesting the type of shoes for different needs was also one of his enjoyment.

There was once a patron, with big sized foot, demands an enlargement on his shoe. For the cobbler, this is indeed an easy task, the one in which he believed that he was fully capable of.

The shoe was stretched to the utmost limit, but still it wouldn't fit. The cobbler suggested to change to a different shoe, the one that is tailored-made by the cobbler himself.

The cobbler believed, the shoes that was made by him, was to be worn by a capable person, suited to the shoe itself. The patron denied the first shoe that was suggested by the cobbler.

The patron, being as stubborn as he is, demanded a higher quality shoe, and to the cobbler, this is just what some of the humans like himself, although same in species, but with different nature. He believes that these type are the ones who is attached to their own beliefs, one who holds high of his own opinions, a firm believer of his own idea, on what looks the best to himself, despite ignoring other people's advice, one with a stubborn nature.

The cobbler doesn't deny that there exist another shoe, a more detailed one, with superior craftsmanship than the earlier shoe that he suggested. It is made from a high quality leather,
stitched to the perfection, with an eye for detail
soles that are made to withstand longer periods of usage. The shoe also boast of it's comfortable toe tip and collar. The outsole is customized to perfection for better comfortability. An outstanding welt was even present, but the cobbler knew better. The shoe came with a usage restriction, and depends on the person wearing, it might or might not be just a simple act. The only restriction, was it to be worn, only by a capable person, judged by the shoe itself, and this is one of the only reason the cobbler didn't suggested this shoe in the first place for the patron. He fully understood that the patron wouldn't even meet the minimum requirements for it.

The patron chose to ignore the cobbler's advice. For him, he is the suitable candidate for every best things that are in the world. He chose to wore the perfect shoe, although it's size are too small, he kept forcing his feet to fit in, eventually putting all of his feet inside. From the looks of his face, it wasn't quite comfortable for him, and when the cobbler asked how did he feel, he told the cobbler that it was great. This saddens the cobbler as he could judge from his experience being a cobbler, that the shoe wasn't supposed to be worn by the patron. At this time, from being a stubborn patron, he adds another nature to himself, a liar, the cobbler thinks to himself, not saying it out loud.

The patron has been lying to the cobbler, which it was obvious from the eye of an experienced cobbler, and he determined himself that the shoe was taylor-made for him. He lied to himself that it felt great, although it is far from feeling good. He lied to himself that he is qualified to wear the perfect shoe. He lied to his own feet, that has been supporting his weight, throughout his entire life, and eventually, after repeating countless of lies, the worst scenario happens.

The patron believed in his own lies.

He judges his own lies as the truth. He believed all those lies that he made, was actually the truth and to him, those lies turned to a fact. A fact that was converted from his own beliefs.

As time passes by, the patron couldn't even walk properly. He even damaged one of his foot, but stubbornness got the best of him. At this point, the cobbler believes that the patron was not chosen by the perfect shoe. The stubborn patron still walks with that shoe, without the capability of handling that shoe, he kept walking a path of truth, that had been born from his lies. He's being confident, that it's the true path that he walks with the perfect shoe, convincing himself that if he wore the perfect shoe,
he's the man who chose it, but in truth, it's the other way round, the shoe was the one who chooses it's wearer.

Little did he know, the cobbler who watched him all this while, knowing the path, that is not supposed for him to walk, watching from a distance kept thinking to himself. Seeing a stubborn human, coupled with lies and deceit, reconstructing the truth from his deceitful nature, led to troubles, both for the patron, and to the people around him.

The cobbler thought to himself, how unjust the world is, for a perfect shoe, to be worn by a stubborn man, that eventually believed in his own lies, creating a  false truth, walking with one hurting leg, would be full of himself, even though he's not capable of wearing it. It is a thought that can never be understand, from the gaze of a mere cobbler.

Eventually, the cobbler came to a decision. He believed that the lies, was created not just to deceive others, but also creates an amount of confidence
in the liar, that sprouts as a truth in himself, and the patron was not the one to blame. The blame falls upon the parents, who raised a stubborn human, who is full of lies, with no capability in handling himself, and even the shoe.

How the cobbler wished that the perfect shoe
are worn by a suitable candidate with the
right capability, but the cobbler knew, that this is just his wishful thinking, that would never became reality. A parent who raised their kids, should have raised them properly, in terms of mentality, and also responsibilities.

If the parents failed in these aspects, another human being will be born with the same nature as the patron. One who does not have the capability, but due to them believing their own lies, they thought that they are meant for it, although it is far from it. These would make them believe that it is their rights to claimed these type of "perfect shoe" in life, but in actual truth, it is just another failure who kept spinning lies to reconstruct truth, and take pride in the looks of wearing it.

As the cobbler judged that the world is unjust, with nothing that a mere cobbler could change, but so he kept believing that one day, will come a time where looks does not equals to quality, where the parents wouldn't be blinded only by the outer looks, where the eyes can actually see, where the actual truth lies rather than a fake truth, where a true nature with quality human will be born from their parents guidance.

And so the cobbler kept waiting, continuing his day to day mending shoes, enjoying his work, but deep inside, was pained and sadden by the truth that some parents, would even chose looks, rather than quality that resides.

Cobbler, End.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 16, 2020 ⏰

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