You:Im gonna go take a shower
Avani:what's wrong
You:my shower is broke
Avani:oh no
You:it's alright we have
Mt shower Cynthia's shower all of the boys showers and we have a spare shower
Avani uses the spare one and you knock on Cynthia's door to use her shower but she didn't answer the door you poked your head around the door and saw her and Quinton making out so you walked out and said
You:eww gross
Jaden:what's wrong
You:my shower stopped working and I went to Cynthias room and her and Quinton are making out
Jaden:eww anyway you can use mine
You went to his and joshes room and used the shower and got into a pair of pj's And went back into your room
Jaden:I looked at your shower and it looks like the wire needs redoing but it's ok
You lay on your bed and then you got a ft from avani
You:hey avani you ok
Avani:yeah but could you pass me some clothes
You:yeah sure
You got some pj's for her and put them in the guest room for her then went downstairs
You:it's ok
The boys came over and sat on the sofa and played video games
Jaden whispered to you
Jaden:watch this I bet I get Bryce out again and he will shout at me
You:go on then
Jaden got Bryce
After a while soem of the boys lost and avani made you two some food and then Anthony lost and he came and sat by you and avani after a few hours people went to bed except from you avani Anthony and jaden
Jaden was still playing video games and you fell asleep and avani and Anthony were watching Netflix on the other TV then avani took a phot of you and jadenCaption:broke fell asleep while he was playing video games lmao
Cynthia:wait you guys are still awake
Quinton:me and Cynthia are coming now
life as the sway boys b̶e̶s̶t̶i̶e̶ assistant
RandomIn this story your mother sends you off to a group of boys to get a job and you become their assistant you thought she was just being mean but it turns out she was making your life amazing