(Yandere! Phantom Blood Dio x Ex-Prostitute! Reader) I've waited so long (3/?)

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1886 Y/N is currently 18, Dio is 20.

It had been two years since Dio had started leaving money for Y/N in her home. It came by way of people who Dio had befriended during his time in the slums. The money didn't come often. But when it did it was always just enough to last her until the next basket was delivered to her. She actually hadn't seen Dio since the day the baskets started showing up, but she did receive updates about him from the notes he'd sent with the money. These notes had always been the her favorite parts of the baskets. It did her heart good knowing that her friend was doing well in his home. He was really thriving. He'd gotten to be a star player in his local rugby team. He was doing well in his school, which came as no surprise. He mentioned something about proposals but never really went into detail about them. He spoke about the other man in the home, Johnathon Joestar. But from what he heard about him, Dio's more sadistic side seemed to be coming out with him. Hopefully this was just how Dio displayed his brotherly love. 

Y/n held up her favorite letter. The most recent one. In it, he spoke about how he was planning something big that would help with not only his own finances, but also hers. His words had filled her with so much hope when she'd first read it. She could practically envision Dio standing right there. Explaining his plans pacing back and forth excitedly. His eyes filled with stars. The letter was signed off like all the others. "Wait just a little while longer, y/n. -Dio"

She smiled sadly as she looked at the date the letter had been sent. 1885. It had been over a year since y/n had last heard from Dio. He had not sent another basket. No money. No messenger. Nothing. She wasn't surprised about this either. Dio was a nobleman after all. He must have forgotten about helping her when he realized how much of a waste it was. She didn't blame him for it. 

Sure it was sad to not hear from him anymore. But..A nobleman such as Dio shouldn't be bothering with prostitutes anyway.

"y/n."  Y/n turned to the door to face the "madam" of the house. The one that bought her into the profession in the first place.

"Yes, Madam." Y/n asked, putting the letter back into her makeup box.

"You've got a customer. Freshen up and go meet him in the burgundy room." The burgundy room was reserved for the more...generous patrons. Whoever it was, had themselves alot of money. A thief? A criminal? Maybe a older nobleman? It didnt really matter. Y/n returned to her mirror and freshened her makeup again. As she did so she glanced back at madam. "Who is it, ,Madam?"

"He asked for you by name." She muttered glancing away.

"By name? Is it one of regulars?" Yn asked fixing her lipstick. 

Madam shook her head. "I've never seen this gentleman in all my time here-.. He says he's been to every brothel in the area..looking for you. Never seen a man like him before."

Y/N furrowed her brows. Looking for her? There were many prostitutes with her same body type and similar appearance. A nobleman would surely just need to pick one and 100 would follow. Why was he looking for..... No. It couldn't be.

Asking no more questions, yn did her makeup and fixed her clothes and hair. She followed madam silently to the room. In her mind she repeatedly forced him from her mind. The hope of seeing him should have died a long long time ago. It shouldn't be coming back. There was no reason why he should've been there.

Madam opened the door and poked her head inside. "Thank you for waiting, sir. Here is your lady~." Madam turned back to y/n and gave a brief nod before walking past her to another room on the floor.

Y/N watched her leave and looked back to the door infront of her. Shes been to this room before but...it felt different. Something felt strange. And yet familiar. She touched the doorknob and found herself being taken aback by the temperature. A cold chill entered through her fingers and  went through her body. She swallowed back her fears and opened the door wider to greet her customer.

What cruel fate was this? Only minutes earlier, she had read his promise. And there he sat before her. It had been over a year nearly two since she'd seen him last, and in this time he'd changed. Maybe it was the distance and the length of time since then. But she swore..he looked even more princely than he had before. He looked beautiful. He sad yet angry eyes glistened like amber in this burgundy rough. He stared her down right through the depths of her soul. The eyes, she couldn't look into for too much longer. Her vision...was beginning to blur. Her attention came to the table with a bottle of liquor and two cups. That's right. Prince or no Prince. She had a job to do now.

"Good evening sir~." She started. Dio did not respond,his expression had turned cold. 

"Shall I get us something to drink to lighten the mood?" Y/N turned her back to him to pour their drinks. She focused hard. To completely steel her body, she tried to empty her mind. But all she could feel, was Dio gaze burrowed into her back. He was still silent.

Both drinks were poured and she turned to face him. She was startled to see him standing in front of her suddenly. She hadn't even heard him approaching.

She gasped and lost her grip on one of the glasses. It crashed to the floor spilling its contents out onto the wooden floor. "Oh-!  Oh, Im terribly sorry sir-!" In a moment of panic she dropped to her knees and made to start picking up the shards. She only managed to pick up one shard, before dio's large hand gripped her wrist quickly and  firmly.


Y/n's heart skipped. "Ah. Where is my mind tonight. I'm t..ruly very sorry sir.-"

"y/n.." She felt his other hand, cupping her cheek. His hand was cold, but she felt so very warm. He thumb lightly wiped under her eye. That's when she realized. She was crying.

Dio's voice was soft, and filled with sadness. "Please..forgive me, Y/N. Forgive me.."

y/n wanted to speak. She wanted to talk to him. But when she heard him. Heard his tone. The look in his eyes. How she must've looked in them. She broke down. It started with heavy breathing. Then even heavier sobs.  And once she started she couldn't stop.  Oh god. Oh god, it hurt. It hurt so badly.  She wanted to implode. She didn't want Dio to see her like this. She wished in between sobs. Wished that he never found her. That this was just a dream. A nightmare. Anything but the reality before her now. She made to hide her face in her hands. She was so ashamed.

In a instant she was embraced. Embraced in a tight hug.  One that pulled her to her feet. And held her as she cried. Dio stroked her hair softly as he whispered his apologies over and over. It took a while, but soon she calmed down. She pulled away and looked into his eyes. But now with something she hadn't seen on him before. She'd seen it before. But now...more than anything, she wanted to drown in this gaze.  She cautiously stood on her toes and reached up to kiss his lips. Dio pulled her up closer to his form and returned the kiss with a equal intensity. Both were unaware of just how much they wanted each other. And on that night, they would finally give into their fantasies.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 13, 2020 ⏰

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