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<|Roku's House|>
<|Hidden Blacksmith Village|>
          <|Roku POV|>

The kettle whistled loudly, indicating that the water was boiling. I grabbed the kettle out of the fire with my bare hands, pouring the water into a teapot. As a child, I was blessed with the ability to resist extreme temperatures. Meaning, I could pick hot coals out of the fire or swim in the coldest of oceans. When the tea was done steeping, I poured it into a small cup. Sipping my tea, I sat at the edge of my deck and admired the sun rise. I can't be forced to sleep. No amount of magic can change that. I only sleep when I need to, not when I want to. A raven came to perch on my outstretched arm. unlike the other Demon Slayers, Who had crows as messengers, I had a raven. Ravens are larger and more intelligent than crows. The raven clung to my arm, cawing a single message:

"Join Kyojuro at (train station name) train station! You must track down a demon! Caw! Join Kyojuro at (train station name) train station! You must track down a demon! Caw!"

"Thanks Chess, I just need to change," I sighed, rising to my feet and setting the tea cup on the floor. Upon receiving my raven, he had indignantly informed me that his name was Chesseric (Chess for short). It wasn't a Japanese name, but my fifteen-year-old self wasn't about to get vigorously pecked in the head again, so I didn't argue. I walked to my room, not wanting to waste any time. I removed my comfortable kimono and put on my corps uniform.

<|A Train Station|>

Within three hours, I had run all the way to the train station. My legs had gotten lean and muscular from the years and years of running. I looked around for Kyojuro, eventually catching sight of his flame-like hair over the tops of other people's heads.

"Ah, Tsugikuni! There you are!" The flame pillar grinned at me

"Hello Kyojuro. And please, call me Roku," I smiled

"Very well, Roku!" Kyojuro grinned his crazy grin, and I couldn't help but feel my face light up as well. His smiles were infectious. I had known the flame pillar since we both became Hashira. My breathing techniques were as fiery and bright as his, so we got along quite well. It came as quite a surprise to the other Hashira when they discovered I was a Sun Breather. As we boarded the train, I couldn't help but feel a childish surge of excitement run through my body.

"I call the window seat!" I said like a child.

"I get the feeling you don't take the train often!" Kyojuro chuckled, settling down on the seat next to me.

"Nope! I run, mostly!" I grinned. My weariness from not sleeping last night beginning to catch up to me and I began to black out, finally resting my head on Kyojuro's shoulder and dozing off.

When I came to, Tanjiro was sitting across from me and my companion. He and Rengoku were deep in conversation, while two boys who I had to assume were Zenitsu and Inosuke bickered in the seats across from us.

"Oh, hey... uh, I don't actually know your name!" Tanjiro scrached his head

"Oh, my bad. My name is Roku Tsugikuni. You can call me Aki if you want though." I smiled

"Tanjiro, you know this beautiful lady??!" Zenitsu cried, jealousy written all over his face.

"Sort of," Tanjiro grinned sheepishly.

Zenitsu seemed to seethe with envy as Tanjiro resumed conversation with Kyojuro. Inosuke had his head stuck out the window, as he shouted challenges at the train. Zenitsu angrily tried to pull him back in the train car. The last part of Tanjiro and Kyojuro's conversation was that there's a demon on the train. Apparently Zenitsu caught that too, because he immediately wanted to get off the train.

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