Heroes of Olympus (Fan Fic): Modern War God 3

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Percy, Annabeth, Jason, Piper, Leo, Tyson, Nico, Grover and Rachel hang around in Rachel’s room.

Mr. Dare agreed to them staying there. Percy brought along his Xbox 360 for them to play Modern Warfare 3, which he newly purchased.

Rachel had one too, and they played with two Xboxes and two LCD televisions.

Everyone played a 4v4 match of team death-match. Piper decided not to play and view their game, because she was lenient in those games.

“How can you guys enjoy killing each other, anyway?” Piper complained.

“Because of fun and strategy.” Everyone said in unison. Also, they weren’t disrupted by their ADHD, because their eyes moved around quite rapidly around the screen.

Piper couldn’t help but walk around while she talked to herself about how everyone ignored her.

And Rachel isn’t a demigod, but she was quite occupied by the game.

But the dyslexia disrupted the words displayed on the screen.

Piper grasped a cup of orange juice nagging “Right…choose a mindless video game over something more fun!” or “I still can’t believe that’s fun.” She was however acquainted with the game, because she once asked her father if she could play with him.

Percy’s side, consisting of Annabeth, Grover, and Tyson, were apparently winning.

“Damn Annabeth, you’re a good strategist.” Leo remarked. “You killed me with an AC-130 three times already.”

“Guys, we have ballistic vests!” Grover said.

“Cool.” Percy replied.

“You know who to kill, right guys?” Rachel asked. Grover had been killed the most times.

“Got it, let’s find Grover.” Nico said sipping his cup of mountain dew.

“Annabeth, watch out!” Percy said, killing Jason’s avatar on the screen.

“You’re the best.” Annabeth said.

“Welcome.” Percy said with potato chips in his mouth.

“This is fun!” Tyson said while shooting down Rachel’s UAV with a javeline.

Suddenly, the room rumbled. The TVs shut down, and the Xboxes displayed red rings.

“We’ve been EMP’d!” Leo yelled. 

“This not good.” Tyson said.

“I think this is the sign of a god’s presence.” Annabeth said.

“You think so?” Percy asked.

“Yeah I guess, because a state that is as screwed up as this never happens when they aren’t around.” Annabeth explained.

Suddenly, a figure formed behind them. It was bulky man, with leather jacket, a buzz cut, black sunglasses with red dots and a malicious smile.

“Hello, punks.” The man said.

“It’s Ares.” Percy gritted his teeth. “What do you want?!” Percy said angrily.

“Um, Percy, you shouldn’t be addressing gods that way.” Grover warned.

“I was just wondering…punk, what is that game of death that’s occupying you all?” Ares asked.

“It’s Modern Warfare 3.” Percy said. “So what?”

“Well uh…could I have a game with you?” Ares asked awkwardly.

“Wait, you-want to play MW3…with us?” Percy asked.

Heroes of Olympus (Fan Fic): Modern War God 3Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon