4. First day of school {TJ}❤️ (pt 4)

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"Alright, class. This exam is going to be about...", Mr. Ross makes a little pause. "... Biology!"
"Nooo, teacher!! Not biology!!", the whole class complains.
"Sorry, I can't do anything to change it", Mr. Ross shrugs. He hands us the exam papers. From the corner of my eye, I see Vanessa winking at me. I roll my eyes, thinking she's a nasty bitch.


I was 18 years old and I was dating Vanessa and were having what I thought was a serious relationship. I get out of the bus and head to school. On the hall I see Vanessa with other guy -- more precisely, making out. I clear my throat and she looked at me with a surprised face, when she looked at me I saw the guy she was with -- Taryll! I was disgusted by the scene and walked away.
"TJ, wait! I can explain it!", she shouted.
"Explain what? That you were making out with my brother?? I think it's pretty clear. There's nothing to explain here, Vanessa", I replied angrily.
"Please, TJ. Let me explain--", she insisted.
"No, Vanessa. You used me. You fucking used me!", I yelled.
"I'm sorry"
"No, you are not. Every word that comes out of your mouth is a lie. Now get the fuck outta my way", I stormed out of the hall.

*End of flashback*

The exam was about to finish -- 5 minutes, to be precise.
"Five more minutes, people", Mr. Ross announces.

The bell rings and we all put our pencils down.
"Give me your papers, please", we all hand them in.
"How was it?", Y/N asks.
"Eh... could've been better. I won't complain cause I know I'm not good at Biology", I answer.
"It always can be better than it ends up being", she winks.
"Yeah, you're right", I sigh.
"Can I ask you a question?", Y/N starts.
"Yeah, sure"
"Why do you hate Vanessa? I mean, yeah, she is annoying. But I feel there's more to it"
"Have a seat", I comb my hair with my hand. "Back when I was 18, I was dating with Vanessa and I thought it was a serious relationship. Until that day... when I saw her making out with my brother, Taryll"
"That disgusting old bitch-", she comments. "And did you have a fight with Taryll?"
"No, it wasn't worth it", I shrug. "I felt like shit. I couldn't eat, couldn't sleep, couldn't concentrate at school...", the next thing I know, she's hugging me.
"For how long have you known her?"
"Ummm... 5 years or so", I sigh.
"Ugh. What a nightmare", she says. I suppress a laugh.
"Yeah, it was. And still is. Seeing her day after day is tiring"

Break's over, and Mr. Ross says:
"You'll have your exam results next week, you can go earlier today"
"YESSS!!", everyone shouted.

Part 5, maybe? o_O

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