~New Beginnings~

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"Nick! Hurry up and get going to school! You can't be looking all bad now turning up late!" Nicks mother called up to Nick, raising her voice so that the lazy teen could hear from his room, which he claims he can't hear anyone from. "You've got ten minutes or else your walking to school, highly doubt you'd want to do that on your first day now would you Nicholas!"
This caused Nick to groan not only at the fact of having a time limit to getting to school, but also the way his mother called him Nicholas. He was never a big fan of hi full name after being bullied in his old two schools.
"Okay! Okay! I'm up, give me a minute!" Nick grumbled, throwing his legs over the side of his bed, every movement made Nick groan, "why can't I just sleep peacefully for just one day!" Nick thought to himself as he got dressed.
Slipping into some black jeans with a black oversized t-shirt.
Although Nick didn't care about his appearance he still thought it would be a good idea to dress cool... For once in his life.

"Oh look who finally got up today!" His mother called out as he sluggardly stepped down the stairs throwing his big to one side of the door so it was quick to grab when going out to his new school.
"Your actually forcing me to go to school... I never consented to this! This is child labour! I object to going to school, and you can't say nothing if I object!" Nick pulled a serious face as he grabbed his sisters piece of toast taking a bite then placing back onto her plate. "You can think again if I'm eating that now" his sister shot him a death glare, he returned the favour, flipping her off.
"Mom! Nick swore at me! Tell him to stop it!" His sister cried out, Nick walked away before his mom could give him a lecture about swearing. "Grow up sis... You always do it when your with your friends, so I think we're even on the swearing at each over"
His sister stood in Silence hoping there mother didn't hear Nick say she had been swearing. "Fine Nick, I'll let this slip and we don't toll about this ever again... Deal!" She said through gritted teeth, before turning on the spot and running upstairs to get ready for school.

Nick had made it through the day so far, although it was only half way through the school day, he had yet to be thrown around by the local bullies or anyone who was looking for fresh meat.
When you join a school half way through the year your classed as the fresh meat, this is where everyone - even the nerds could bully the fresh meat.
Nick hadn't come in contact with them people as he would hide away from everyone in the busy hallways so no one would notice him. But that was all to change when he was on lunch.
He had just finished up eating his lunch and was now making his way to the restroom when he heard someone crying, which then followed with someone shouting and laughing... Nick knew that this was someone was getting beat up. He worked up the courage to go stop whatever was happening because he knew what it felt like to get bullied so now was his time to prove himself not to be bullied with.

"Hey! You guys leave him alone! Your nothing but bullies that have no life! Your no better then the rest of us so why don't you go do something else with your worthless lives, at the end of the day your lives will become worthless because no one will want to have people like you guys working for them if they are vile bullies!" Nick was shocked to what had just come out of his mouth, but it worked... The group of four had stopped hitting this one poor person, now there attention was on Nick.
"So your the new kid? You've got a mouth on you haven't you! We haven't had fresh meat around here for some time dude, your a first!" The shorter one out of the four said, nicks eyes landed on the brown haired boy, he couldn't help but chuckle to himself by the look on his face, as he was talking his hair would bounce. All Nick could think about was how much this boys hair looked like a pot of noodles.
"What the hell are you laughing at bro? First of what even is your fucking name! And I swear if your laughing at me you'll have another thing coming!" Nick was starting to laugh more as the boy in front of him was getting wound up. He never liked to be laughed at, so Nick laughing at him was a major problem for himself.
"Tony just chill out he's not worth our time, we will get him when he least expects it any ways that will teach him not to talk back to us" one of the people standing behind Tony trying to distract him from going mental at Nick.

Before Nick could say what he was laughing at, Tony launched himself towards Nick, within a swift movement Nick had moved out the way and wasn't in direct line of Tony anymore. Tony's group of friends gasped at the fact someone was quick enough to move out of the way of Tony.
This had obviously pissed Tony off so he launched himself again grabbing Nick and taking him down to the floor.
"Think again if your gonna piss about with me, you'll have another thing coming if you want to keep laughing at me you fool," Nicks natural reaction was to throw a punch at Tony which actually worked.
Obviously, with how word gets around quick there was a ring of people watching the two boys fight out what they had just caused between each over. Before it could get anymore teachers came poring in grabbing the two boys pulling them away from each over as they threw the last punches in.
"Mr Lopez... Again, get to my office! And the same for you Mr Austin," the principal booms making the teens who where watching scatter away in fear they would be told too. Both respond with a simple "okay" before walking a few hallways down to reach the office, which they where both seen to in seconds... May I add at the same time they where going into the the office, which meant the consequence was going to be bad.
Nick had thought to himself how this was the first time he's ever stuck up for himself and someone else at the time, it felt good to him that he did this, "maybe this is the starting of something good" he thought to himself, before getting his mind thoughts broke by the principal dropping a book on the table gaining both boys attention.

"So Mr Austin, your first day and your starting fights! This isn't a good reputation on yourself, especially when your on a trail period of this school I have you know, and that act of silliness could of just broke that chance from becoming something" Nick couldn't believe what he was hearing, "what was this principle trying to say"
"But for you Mr Lopez...""it's Tony" the young boy interrupted the teacher, gaining a glare in response to what he had just said. "Well Tony, this is the third time you've done this kind of act of violence this year... I let you off very smoothly and I was being nice, not punishing you... But this is just taking advantage of my kindness, so I'm having to suspend you from coming to school until you realise the mistakes you've made, it wouldn't be far if I didn't punish Mr Austin, so he is also being suspended, I shall be calling your parents later on... Now get out of my school now!"
Tony stood up straight away walking away with no care in the world, Nick on the other hand didn't take it too lightly so he begged the teacher... Which also didn't work. In the end he gave up trying and quickly made his way out of the school, as he desperately tried to find a way home... This whole neighbourhood was different to the ones he was used to so he knew no routes of going home, that was until car pulled up beside him.

"Hey, Nick I can give you a lift home if you want too, it's the least I can do..."

Word count: 1508
Authors notes:
Hiya everyone,
Hope you enjoyed that very long first chapter, soon enough we will get into the book and the all been waiting for Tonick content, this book will be made out of very long chapters so if you love long chapters then this book is for you!
Thanks for reading! Love you all!!!

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