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We was on our way to the hype house in silence until tayler finally spoke up
Tayler: how are you then
He put his hand on my wrist and u flinched away in pain
You: I-I'm fine
Tayler: what happened to your arm
You: nothing don't worry about it
Tayler:well I'm your boyfriend
You: no your my rapist who is black mailing me into being your gf get your facts right
Tayler: I'm sorry ok but u really like you
He said kissing me on the cheek
You: whatever if u liked me I wouldn't have emotionally scared me for life im in so much pain but you don't even take responsibility
For what u done to me and let's be honest is their really even a sex tape
Tayler pulled out his phone to show me from where the camera angel was at it didn't look like rape
Tayler: why can't we give us a shot
You: no ok in your girlfriend now if u put that tape anywhere I will end u
Tayler: whatever

We pull up to the hype house and I ran to the bathroom as u needed a wee as u was in their I realised I missed my period I got really worried When i leave the bathroom I walk downstairs in a hurry
Charli: hey where u going
You: umm to the shop
Charli: can u come
You: actually I need to go alone
Charli: u ain't buying drugs again are you
You: no I'm not
Charli: then what are u buying because your being really suspicious
You: a pregnancy test
I whisper tearing up
Charli: who is the dad
You: tayler
Charli: aww congrats tho
You: no I don't want to carry a child by my rapist
I then realise what I said
You: I mean I mean
Charli: u mean what tayler raped u
You: Yh and he blackmailed me to be his girlfriend because he had a sex tape and nudes
Charli: u need to tell your mum about this
You: no I'm getting a abortion then it will all be over.
Tayler: what will be over
I told Charli not to tell tayler she knows so she bit her tongue and was faking it
Charli: kyla's pregnant
You: umm Charli could u please leave
Charli: sure congratulations

Tayler: OMG I'm so happy we can have a family
You: no I'm having an abortion
Tayler: wait what why
You: because we can't have a child I'm 15
Tayler: u can have your stupid abortion but your paying the price of it

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