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Dear Shadows,

I'm conficted. In IT class, I sit in a row of 4. It goes, from left to right, Josh, Sarah(my best friend), me then Peter. I'm going to use their full names in this so yeah. They aren't going to end up reading it. Now, Sarah and I often talk to ourselves while we are coding. So, as today we were given work with lots of coding in it, we talked a lot. Josh has anger management issues and gets annoyed with Sarah and I talking to ourselves. Another thing is that he has a major crush on Sarah. So when he gets annoyed, he starts to insult me and call me stupid and to shut up and things on similar lines to that. I've gotten used to it because this also happens at lunch and recess when I'm being myself with friends, my weird ass motherfucker of myself. Today, it got so far out of hand that he ended up swearing at me and not like shit or crap because they just go over the teacher's head. And my teacher Mr M likes me and Sarah more than Josh so when he heard Josh drop the F-bomb he took him out of class. The weird thing was was that I was so used to it that I wasn't truly listening to him and it went straight over my head. I just thought Mr. M just had enough of it. So, Josh was taken out of class and then Mr M came in to pack up his stuff about 10 minutes later. So, Sarah, Peter and I just started talking quite freely. It was great. So we talked and did our work and it was so much better, I was feeling good. About 20 minutes later,(It was a double period just incase you were wondering how long we have periods for, so its 2 * 50mins) Mr M tapped on my shoulder. I looked around and the head of the senior school was there. I muttered, "Oh god" under my breath. HE JUST CALLED ME A SPAM!!! I AM WRITING THIS AT SCHOOL AND HE JUST CALLED ME A SPAM! AND NOT A STUPID POINTLESS ANNOYING MESSAGE BUT THE MEAT! So, I went out of the class room and Mr W asked me what was going on with Josh so I said something along the lines of me talking to much and he getting annoyed. And then he asked if I sit next to Josh and I said no and told him the order. And then he sent in for Sarah. So I went in for Sarah. She went out and when she came back in and told me that Mr W thought that we were very understanding of the situation.  So that ended up well because he is now not alllowed to sit with us. However, I wasn't sure whether I wanted to tell Mr W that the harrassment has been going on for a long time. I didn't because if I hesitate then I decide to not do it. If I am having secodn thoughts then it must be a bad idea because if it was a good idea I wouldn't have hesitated. But anyways, I was possibly protecting myself from further  insults and shit like that from him if Josh took it out on me if I told Mr W about everything. But anyways, I have waited a week to finish and upload this so for now.

Follow me,

Love, Amelia

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 28, 2012 ⏰

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