Nothing- Shashita Eobrito

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Hey guys!

For the Third one shot, I am doing a 'romance' type

Hope you enjoy :P


You and many other people were friends, not the 'best' friends as you would call it but more like those 'ok' friends. Being honest, you had many 'ok' friends, most were boy, others were girls. In your thoughts, gender doesn't matter.

And kiss??

It seemed natural to your school to kiss a boy in his lips. 

It was like to give something to a boy randomly, it was natural, who makes a big deal about it. 'it's just a kiss' everyone says, 'no ones gonna die.'

Life was an 'a-ok' life. 

Until Mr. Shashita Eobrito Came.


Monday Morning

Your eyes felt droopy as always and your foot was filled with red bumps.

"Need a break?" Asked your brother.

"No need," you say. 

"Mashi's coming today," he said again," y/n do you want to stay home or go out."

"I don't know."

You jumped over to the table and gobble up half of your meal.

Life was boring, for you at least.



School's bell rang, you head over. On the right, you saw two of your classmates kissing.

It's average, like talking.

You got into class as kissing the whole class as your good morning, even pecked your class teacher, Ms. Akashi.

"New student today." He said after the finale peck on a boy's lips.

The class didn't care, everyone was silent.

A boy quietly came in, he had chubby cheeks, long slick black hair and a cheerful expression.

"Hello Guys!" He said bubbly.

"Shut up," said one of the girls.

He looked very shock, then waited for the teacher to tell her off, but he didn't.

"Uh. I'm Shashita.."

"Didn't ask," the teacher snapped. He kissed him on the lips making his way to his neck.

"Um. Are you gay?" He asked, this time confused and scared.

No one replied. Y/n and some other students also came to kiss him.

"Ahhh!" He hesitated to kiss guys," um what?"

"Kissing," You snapped," It's nothings, it's our way of greeting."

He shivered," like- actually kissing?"

"Can you please shut up," one of the boys say," we are trying to kiss you, don't you know how to kiss?"


At Lunch, four girls walked over to him.

"Please, don't kiss me," he say.

The girls did it anyways," it's a sign of greeting, kissing is nothing, you're not going to die if you kiss someone. Plus, it's because we respect you."

Shashita said nothing.

Then y/n came over, you pat him on the head, as he uncomfortably get into the kissing position.

"Why?" You asked.

It looked at you strangely.

"Why don't you like to kiss."

"Um," he said," It's weird.



Word Count: 468

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