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Gon's POV

We watched a silent voice, kil didn't cry but I was balling. It was probably because I related to the main character and wanted the happy ending he got to have. Funny how I'm jealous of a character that doesn't exist. As I continued crying killua turned to me and said,"wow Gon your such a cry baby", I pushed him away got up and went to the kitchen.

"Hey I was just joking I'm sorry Gon", he said with a said face."It's fine", I said still trying to stop crying. "Why are you so upset, its just a movie the whole thing isn't even real", Kil said with a questioning tone. "Because I relate to the main character", I blurted out without thinking. There was a silence that lasted for what seemed like forever before Killua broke it with,"Gon.. do you have depression". Those words rung in my ears,"So thats what this is", I said under my breath. I didn't think Kil heard that but I forgot, he's an assassin he hears everything. He pulled me into a hug as I cried, this time I didn't hold back my tears.

Killua's POV

After I heard Gon say that I started hugging him really tight. After about 30 minutes of calming him down I said,"Gon, lets tell Leorio and Kurapika". He nodded his head so I went over to the phone. I rang their number (Kurapika and leorio are engaged and live together) Kurapika picked up and I said,"Kurapika I need you and Lerorio to come over me and gon have some news". I hung up and we waited about 15 minutes before Lerorio and Kurapika bursted in the door. "H-hey guy", again said with a nervous expression."it's fine Gon don't be scared I'm sure they'll support you", I said trying to reassure him. " what are you guys having a kid or something", lerorio said with a sarcastic tone of voice. No one spoke so lerorio said,"wait that's not really it right", "of course not", I replied. "Then what is it", kurapika said. "I-I have depression", gon said.

Hey guys sorry for any spelling mistakes I'm typing on my phone today. Have a good day bye!!!

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