Note for my hunnies

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Hello dear readers. 

First, thank you. Thank you for still being around since Balconial Conversations -- if you still are. If you are new, also welcome! I love you all with my entire heart.

I definitely took a step back from posting my stories to do school and also hone by writing style and let myself evolve from my first stories on here. I think I have. I'm super proud of this story and while it's not entirely done it is at least halfway finished. I'm half posting because I miss you all, half because I want to be kept accountable and also just because I'm really proud of this project and I want someone else to enjoy it as much as me!

It is a sweet, shy, tender, yearning summer romance and it makes me giddy just thinking about it. It was begun during COVID-19 but it is not in the ~universe~ of COVID-19.

Thank you for reading. I'm so excited. Please enjoy. Posting will hopefully be regular.

Xo, exoticfinn

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