Perfidious Romeo

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April 1919

The soft breeze brought the intoxicating smell of gardenias to my nostrils and I breathed in deeply, feeling light-headed. It was an unseasonably warm evening and all the secret lovers of the city compelled by the power of its beauty rushed to meet their mate. The area near Göksu river was a very popular choice among illicit couples for nights such as these and I happened to find myself among them, tonight.

My secret meeting had already taken place and I searched for evidence that could potentially betray a most adventurous evening. Bending down to retrieve my school bag, my fingers touched something silky smooth and cool to the touch. A handkerchief.

A pink satin handkerchief so dainty and soft it could only belong to a lady.

Loud splashing joined by a low stream of profanities interrupted my thoughts.  I laughed heartily. Unfortunately, since I happened to know the owner of the ill-fated handkerchief its delivery was my responsibility.

If said owner made it out of the river first.

-       'Run, run before I get my hands on you' he spluttered.

-       'Are you angry because I ruined your pretty clothes or because the water isn't to your liking'? I asked calmly pausing to tie my shoelaces.

More splashing.

-       'Not to worry, I'll tell your mother to buy you a pink one to match your dainty handkerchief'. I said and waved said handkerchief before turning my back at the scene of the crime.

That ought to give him a lesson, I thought.

So pleased with myself was I, that I made sure to leave the coachman with a very generous tip despite my meagre savings. On that April night justice was served and Kamran payed the price of his crime, one he committed for my benefit a fact which at the time I did not know.

I smiled as I thought about the trial that resulted in his current state and absent-mindedly brought the handkerchief to my face.

  2 days before...

-       'Don't cry Feride, please...What can we do to make you feel better'? Michelle asked hopelessly for the hundredth time that evening.

-       'How am I going to live through the shame Michelle'? I moaned and kicked the evidence of Kamran's crime off the bed.

Marie leaned to the side to pick up one of the offensive heart-shaped boxes and I threw a pillow to her head.

-       ''s chocolate Feride!' she started to complain but the look on my face silenced her and she crossed her arms petulantly.

-       'I still can't believe that he was capable of being such a...a...' I searched for the worst word I knew.

-       'Lying' Marie offered.

-       'Two-faced' I agreed.

-       'Cheating' she said again with more passion.

-       'Dishonest' I concurred fervently.

-       'PERFIDIOUS!' cried Michelle triumphantly.

Marie and I stared at her in question.

-       'Sorry, it came up in my character analysis for know the one due tomorrow...I think it's appropriate' she trailed off.

-       'Yes, it was him...Romeo! I remember' Marie clapped her hands and her blonde pigtails swung excitedly.

-       'Ugh! Marie, Romeo couldn't possibly be characterised as perfidious' shaking her head outraged.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17, 2020 ⏰

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