Mickey Mouse Plane Crash

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Lacey was a 9 year old girl who was going to Disney Land by airplane. She brought her 'Talk-to-Me Mickey' doll. She had never flown before. When she was in the waiting room, the doll started talking unlike it normally did,"Hi Lacey." Mickey said,"How do you know my name."Lacey said,"Your going to have a 'great' flight, haha." Mickey said slyly. This sort of scared Lacey, so she put to doll back in her bag. When she boarded the plane, her bag was put in the cargo hold, with Mickey in it. The flight went smoothly, then the voice of the doll came over the loud speaker."Hi yah everyone, I'm Mickey Mouse, your flight to Los Angeles has been cancelled because of a girl named Lacey, this plane is going down." Lacey was shocked, then they all heard Mickey's laugh. Everyone on the plane died, and when the airline company got a hold of an audio tape for when the plane went down, Mickey's voice or laugh was not on it. To this day, no one found the plane, but trust me, Mickey is still out there.

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