11. "ʏᴏᴜ sᴍᴇʟʟ ɢᴏᴏᴅ."

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God, this was a terrible idea, thought Oikawa.

Terushima smelled a little funky, he wasn't going to lie. The blonde reeked of cologne, and..

Old chicken?

He didn't know, but he wanted to find out.

Oikawa nonchalantly leaned in closer to Terushima. He smiled cheekily at his "boyfriend," and inhaled deeply.

"Babe," laughed the blonde, "are you smelling me?"

He blushed and quickly laughed along. "You smell good," he said, winking at the blonde male.

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Iwaizumi gag.

His smile faltered a little at the thought of doing this in front of his soulmate, but he already decided that he would push those feelings aside.

For now.

Because when Iwaizumi rejects him– well, he can't handle that kind of pain right now. He'll confess one day when he knows he can take the pain and heartache.

"Terushima, didn't you say you liked Kiyoko?" questioned Kuroo.

Bokuto chimed in. "Yeah, you always talk about her."

"Can you two keep it down!" hissed the blonde, slapping a hand over the boys' mouths. "She might hear you!"

"Kiyoko-san is still in class, Terushima-san," said Akaashi. "I think it'll be fine."

"Yeah– wait, so are you two dating or not?" Kuroo asked, a puzzled expression on his face.

He glanced up at Terushima, waiting for the blonde's answer.

When the male didn't say anything, Oikawa sighed and said, "No, we're not dating." He plopped down on the table seat, squeezing right in next to Iwaizumi.

He gave the latter a small smile that Iwaizumi did not return.

No wonder he doesn't like me, thought the brunette. He turned away and the smile on his face slowly fell.

"So why are you fake dating?" asked Kuroo.

Terushima sat down, too, on the other side of Iwaizumi. The blonde sighed dramatically and propped his head up on his elbow.

"You didn't have to tell them, Oikawa," grumbled Terushima. "You could've went along with it. Hell, I even paid you!"

He rolled his eyes and reached into his pant pockets, pulling out three crumpled dollars. Tossing them onto the tabletop, he pushed the money towards Terushima.

"Take your three dollars back," he said.

The blonde scoffed and collected his money. "I'll give this to someone who's worthy."

"Get out of here, Terushima," growled Iwaizumi. "You too, Shittykawa."

Oikawa snapped his head towards the spiky-haired boy. He couldn't even feign hurt because he was hurt.

"You want me to leave?" He asked, putting a hand over his heart. "Me?"

"That's what I said," muttered Iwaizumi, avoiding his eyes.

He huffed and stood up abruptly, purposely knocking into his soulmate. "If you want me to leave, then you should've said something sooner." And with that, Oikawa left the cafeteria.

Iwaizumi exhaled and turned to face Akaashi, who was staring him dubiously.

"Did you want him to leave?" asked the curly-haired male.

Iwaizumi shook his head. "I wanted him to stay."

I apologize for the short chapter and for updating so late. It's been pretty chaotic over here and my writing schedule completely fell through lol.

So far, neither of them know that the other one knows so 👀

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