Chapter two

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   "I hate her Chels, she had the nerve to send me to the office for something I didn't even start." Julie was fussing into her cell phone talking to Chelsea, who was home sick.

"But didn't you kind of get smart with the lady? Give her a break, your fifth time being late and you give her problems as soon as you get into the classroom, plus she's not the type of person you want to be in a argument with."

"Your right I guess, but why does she have to be rude and negative about everything? Is it alright if I come over?"

"Um yea sure I guess, but beware I'm very pale looking."

"Okay I'll see you when I get there" Julie replied hanging up her phone. It was 2:40 in the afternoon still raining thundering no lighting, just high winds. Julie had started her to Chelsea's...


It was now 2:52 in the afternoon and Julie was almost at Chelsea's, she was being followed and didn't even notice. She was being followed by a boy named Leo Knight. Leo isn't your average boy, he's a 17 year old vampire of a hundred years and the prince of The Blood Sucking Clan.

He watched her as she walked holding her umbrella, walking through the Bay View forest. He smelled her sent from far away, it smelled of lamb. Her blood was attractive and so was she, but he knew he couldn't be with someone like her. Him being a vampire and her mortal. Her average figure, and her smiling face without a smile. She was just so hard to resist so he took his chances and continued to follow.


Julie arrived at Chelsea's around 3:15, her home was like living in a layer. Letting herself in with her special made key, Julie called her best friend's name. The walls in the dark house were a dark shade, the floors creaked as they were being walked upon, and everything was just so old. Julie called Chelsea name for the second time to get her approval to continue her walk upstairs.

"Yeah sure in my room" she yelled weakly.


Julie walked up a round twenty steps walked down a long hallway until she reached her best friend's bedroom. She walked into the room to see Chelsea pale. Her bedroom was only lit by eight candles and had no sent of smell. Her bed was queen size and stood tall off the floor. She also had a bunch of antiques around. Julie's favorite was an old picture of some guy who looked like Johnny Depp.

Chelsea Coleman has long dark black hair that stop at her lower back, with a tall shaped figure. She wears a lot of dark clothing with heavy dark makeup, and never let anyone or anybody get in her way. She hated the morning sun.

Julie loved her for who she is but most of the time she would shake her head laughing, making jokes until Chelsea had this look on her face. Her look was as if she were about to attack something. Then her eyes would start to change colors but soon would stop when she had calmed down.

The two had been friends since they both started eleventh grade, they grew on one another because both of them were known to be weird by their classmates and almost the whole Webster's high school. They had made a promise to defend and forever keep each other safe,when they needed help or couldn't figure anything out. They would only listen to each other's advice, besides their parents but their bond was vigorous.

When Julie entered Chelsea room, Chelsea spoke weakly saying "hey" trying to sound excited.

"Man you really look bad" Julie told Chelsea, she replied back by saying "I told you so I was looking forward to going to school today. Did you pick up my homework from my classes?

"Yeah because of you missing so many days, and why would I forget? I believe you about wanting to come to school today, but you've already missed ten days, because you're always sick. Or you're only come to school when the sun's down or not even out. Why is that, anyway, you're so weird".

Chelsea replied back in a muttering voice, I think that you've made your visit now I think that it's time for you to leave, you have seen that I'm alive now take your walk back down the stairs and go".

"Chels I was only playing so chill, and I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings... but you are weird and so am I we are the weird sisters. So drop the attitude and let me stay until eight-o-clock".

   Alright you can stay my weird sister Chelsea replied back making a face.

"You're funny, where's your parents anyway. They're never here every time I come to visit you. It's like they're spies and you know about it and no one wants me to know...

The girls continued to talk in the dark room lit by the eight candles, until the eight hour of night. Ending their last conversation, Julie bent down gave her friend a hug telling her to get better. Made her way back down the twenty steps and out the door, only to find that it was still storming out.

She had decided to take the long way home this time, because it would be light coming from the different homes she would pass. Plus the street lights were still on. Besides no one wants to walk through a forest at night, and she was already taking a risk walking by herself. What if she was to be kidnapped?


It was now eight-fifth teen and it was still raining, she knew that it was going to be awhile before arriving home. She couldn't call her dad for a ride because he was out on an important case. Someone had been killed and drained of most of their blood she was told when she talked to him earlier. About her coming home late. Why did her best friend have to be sick? She would be driving her home right now singing their favorite song "Roar" by Katy Perry.

She decided to dance under the night sky stomping in every puddle there was making big splashes. She swayed and moved, while a dark figure watched as she made her way up a hill. It was Leo he was hiding behind a tree moving slow hoping not to be noticed. He had set and waited for her to come out of her friend home. He wanted to make his move on her he knew that, that wouldn't work out in anyway. The only way he knew was by kidnapping her.

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