29: The Next Step

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Light Sexual Content


It started as each one did, soft and slow and full of meaning, but there was something else there that neither of them had really felt before. It was the twitching of fingers, the need to feel more and to touch more, that made them draw back for just a moment. They breathed, just a little strained as they stared at each other again. There were no words, only a gaze so intense she feared she may crumble under it. The look in his eyes was clear, that Gaara's heart pounded as loud as her's did, and Momoko found herself wanting a little more than the kiss they had shared. Without a word and without breaking her eyes from his, Momoko's hands bunched the fabric of the shirt he wore and tugged slightly.

Gaara claimed her lips once again, but there was a fire behind the action that hadn't been there previously. There was still tenderness, fondness, but there was a new feeling that roared to life as they came together again. It was sudden, intense, but neither of them would deny themselves the pleasure of seeking it out. His hands had moved from around her, shifting from encircling her figure completely to resting against it, feeling her waist beneath his fingers and her hair between them. Momoko had moved one of her hands from where it was bunched in his shirt to run over his collarbone and rest on the side of his neck, and her fingers burned paths across his skin.

It was a fever of sorts, the way they now moved. Their kisses had become hungry, craving more with each taste. A soft and airy sound bubbled in the back of Momoko's throat, something dangerously close to a moan, and Gaara could not resist the desire to move from her side to instead loom above her, his legs tangling between her own. She did not mind this new action, instead welcomed it with the way her lips eagerly found his again and her knee slid up to rest against his hip.

He was acutely aware of the fingers that had dipped underneath the collar of his shirt, feeling the skin there with a tenderness that took what little breath he had away. Her fingers burned against his skin with every caress and glide of her touch, and her lips felt just as hot still against his own. With Momoko having taken the liberty to slip her fingers underneath the fabric of his shirt, Gaara allowed himself something of equal desire. The hand that once rested against her waist began to trail down, his trembling fingers moving over her hip to rest on the outside of the leg that pressed itself against him. He stopped just where shorts ended and flesh began, and the feeling of his hand resting against her heated skin brought another soft sound from her.

Momoko couldn't think of anything else besides the way Gaara's body was pressed against her own, his lips pressed to hers with a fever and his fingers through her hair and on her thigh. He smelled like home and the taste of his tongue against her own nearly reminded her of honey. She had been kissed before, out of missing and sadness, hesitation and curiosity, but never with the spirit Gaara kissed her with now. Everything that she was or ever would be melted into him, into the lips that took hers and the fingers that now just barely slipped under the hem of her shorts. Their day be damned, she wanted nothing as much as she wanted more of this, more of him.

Gaara was nearly the same in his desperation to be closer. The few moments of staring at the sway of her hips or the dip of her dresses' necklines didn't rouse nearly as much of a feeling that being above her now did. She was returning his motions, eager to have him as he wanted her and the thought of it made Gaara nearly lose himself entirely. He had once thought of his feelings for her as a flame, flickering and gentle in his heart, but this was so unlike that. This was a fire deep in his belly, one that pulled at his very being and made him want nothing more than to have her in every way that he could. Like always, Momoko drew out feelings he had never felt before and parts of him he knew nothing of, but it was very clear to him now that he wanted her and wanted her fiercely.

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