Log Entry part 1

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Visual Log 201.4625

Agent: Hawk

Setting: HQ, space and LA, Earth

             I was torn from the black abyss of the same dream I’ve been having for the last few months by a blaring distress signal that lit up my room and triggered all the other lights to turn on. I slowly sat up and breathed in as much as I could without my chest hurting then let it out. I slowly opened my eyes and saw the light flashing on the bridge of the digital map of HQ on my wall.

            I flicked my fingers in its direction and the sound shut off. I put my hand on my face and waited. The dimmed flashing made it more bearable to open my eyes more.

            I sighed and remembered that I was in space, Head Quarters for the ISF to be exact, where ever it’s floating around at the moment. I am Chief and I’m a super powerful wolf-hybrid humanoid with too many powers but can control them all. I have an awesomely powerful gun I don’t really need and its one of many that I’ve customized. I guess I just feel like my life has gone downhill drastically in the last two years of being fully Activated. But that’s probably from the thing on my chest making it difficult for me to function normally. 

            I moved my fingertips over the black mass growing in between my breasts and pulled them away.

            I can’t even heal it. My healing powers won’t work on it.

            I breathed in again and shook my head. I moved to the edge of my bed and stood up. I waved my hand and morphed into my uniform. Dark blue pants tucked into my shin high combat boots and held onto my waist with a light blue belt. My low cut black top hasn’t been low cut since that thing on my chest formed. It’s practically a long sleeve winter shirt now. I picked up my ISF vest and managed to put it on. I turned to the mirror and made sure all the pins were lined up and I looked official. I always leave the top strap undone because they don’t design these things for busty agents.

I turned to see my right arm. I smiled and ran my left hand over my Elemental Tattoo. There was a leaf on my shoulder and a vein of blue and a vein of green weaved in and out of my skin all the way down my arm. There were two circle tattoos on top and below my elbow so the power doesn’t mess with the joint. The veins went down to the second leaf on my hand, which is under my glove. The veins are tattoo lines but transfer power from one leaf to the other. The green is for the Life element and the blue on is for energy. The tattoo is a sign of complete Elemental training and is always visible. The Elementals don’t have these tattoos. If they did, they’d be tattooed all over their skin in their humanoid forms.

            I straightened up and ran my fingers through my long light brown hair and put it up with a red hair ribbon. I tucked the ends of the ribbon into the tie itself and tugged on my hair so it would stay in place.

I looked at the blinking bridge on my wall and tapped it. It stopped blinking but turned red. I nodded, knowing what I needed to do now, and turned to my wall lined with a few artillery items. All of them I have adapted to my needs. Two narrow katana looking swords stood on their stands that stuck out from the wall. It’s designed for easy portal access for me for when I need them so I don’t have to carry them around all the time. They reminded me of a less complicated time when all I had to do was follow a few orders and wipe out an army. Each battle made me stronger and each sword, in turn, stronger. The intricate designs on both established how far I’ve come since the beginning.  

            I looked over what I had currently up and picked a newly modified ray gun and held it out from me. All the levels were normal, meaning the cores were still stable. The power gauges showed that both power cores were at half power.

            “Gotta remember to replace the cores when I get back…” I mumbled as I put the strap around me. The vest was puffy enough that the strap didn’t hurt my chest. They’ll find out one day, you know. I sighed and whispered, “I know. But the later they do the better. Can you please be quiet, Inner Demon?”  

            He laughed and kept quiet. He’s what’s left over from something that consumed my life for almost a decade. He knows everything about me and butts in when not needed. Lately he’s been keeping an eye on that thing on my chest, which is something I’m grateful for.

            I turned to leave my room and the door slid open with that Star Trek door sound effect I installed because silence was boring. It shut behind me with the same sound and I walked down the hall. I passed the other earthborn agent’s rooms and crossed the doorway to the breakfast nook. My assistant handed me a cup of coffee as I walked by. I nodded and walked away with it. It smelled amazing and I drank it slowly. I can wake up on my own and be fine without anything but just the smell reminded me of my time on Earth. 

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