37. glad you are not dead

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"How is she?" Aviana was sitting on the hood of the car, legs dangling as she watched the sun go down slowly. Dash sat beside her with folded legs.

"Better, look I am very sorry on her behalf." Dash was apologizing for the twentieth time today. They had returned from the pool house hours back and she had left to check on her mom. Mrs. Chase was good and improving but the visitors were still prohibited.

"You are not responsible for her, so don't apologize. Let's just forget about this." None of this would reach Dash, he was very upset about all the havoc that Kenya had created. Kenya was now taking rest after all her energy had been depleted during her failed travel. She had never even reached Sage's death day instead she had been caught across time. From what she heard from Jayden it was a highly painful thing to be caught across time. Kenya was lucky to even be alive.

Riaan's car approached, no one knew where he had disappeared to. He had left in the middle of a conversation and had not called to inform anyone about his whereabouts. "Where do you think he's coming from Dash?"

"Let's ask him."

After he parked his car, he walked towards them in slow lazy strides. He looked very exhausted after all the troubles that had just been staged. "Hey."

"Hey, where did you go?" Dash hopped down from the hood, landing in a squat.

"I booked an appointment at the headquarters. I am not stalling this further." His eyes skated to Aviana, looking at her in a way that made her feel flustered.

"The Roxo headquarters? I thought no one could go there, other than those working there."

This was the first time Aviana was hearing about this headquarters. An image of all high-tech rooms and sophisticated instruments with fingerprint sensors cooked in her head.

"We can go if we book an appointment. Let's go there and tell about everything, I suspect Amos had a hand in this." Riaan again fixed his gaze on her, pulling her nerves in incredible angles.

After an awkward silence of Dash looking between Riaan and Aviana, he decided to leave. "I am going in."

When Riaan kept his eyes fixed on her and did not acknowledge Dash, the later repeated the same thing to get Riaan's attention. "Riaan I am going...Riaan! I said I am going in."

"Geez, ok leave already."

Dash departed with a mischievous grin. Aviana felt good that Dash was back to his normal goofy self. Dash really needed to preserve his character because it was highly adorable.

Riaan came closer leaning against the car hood, looking good even in his bone-tired state. "I told you, see, you did not die. If you had sent that voice mail, your mom would have freaked out thinking her daughter had gone full form mad."

The laugh that came out of Aviana was sweet as honey even for her own ears, after the recent tragic events. "My phone is still broke because of you."

"I will get you a new one."

"How are your cuts?" She trailed her fingers over his skin, feeling the split beneath.

"Barely feel it."

She cleared the glass pieces from his hair, letting her hand ruffle through his soft hair. "Tomorrow is the carnival, Mikilene will be there. The phone call plan is still on?"

He turned towards her, his elbows on the car supporting him. "Yes, it is. Your house is damaged, right? Stay here."

"No, it's okay. I don't want to trouble you." She declined politely knowing very well that there was no other place to go. It was not like Scarlet would accept her.

"Stay here. We have a guest room. I don't think whoever is behind all this would stop anytime room. I don't want to take a chance."

She agreed after giving it a sensible thought. After all that had happened and all-new revelations, she was now starting to think the fire was never an accident. "Do you think the fire was a planned one?" His silence was enough proof that he thought the same. Not only her but other people were also getting hurt in this.

"Let's go in." Riaan inclined up from his leaning posture. Aviana jumped down from the hood and they started to move in. When they were near the stairs his hands touched hers, interlinking them. "I am glad you are not dead."

"Yeah me too." She tightened her fingers around his, sealing them.

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