Kiss me already • Spencer Reid

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Y/n's P.O.V

I stared at the boy's perfect features. The usual.

I was completely and utterly in love with Spencer and I wasn't afraid to admit it. Well I wasn't afraid to admit it to myself.

He turned looking at me, instead of looking away I shined him a smile making his cheeks brighten to a deep shade of red.

He smiled back turning back to whatever he was doing.

I sighed as I grabbed my folder and walking up to my dad's office.

"Hey dad, I'm done" I said handing him the file.

"Thanks y/n, you should really stop staring unless you want the whole unit to see your crush for Spencer" Hotch said writing not looking up.

"Dad!" I said annoyed with a little laugh. "What! It's true" he told me chuckling.

I walked out with my head low trying to hide the embarrassment from my face.

Before I knew it my face ran into a hard shoulder.

"Ow" I winced rubbing my head. "Oh my gosh y/n, I'm so sorry" I heard his soft voice say.

"Oh don't worry about it, I wasn't looking where I was going" I told him shyly before walking away quickly. 

If I didn't think things could get more embarrassing I was wrong.

I rushed into Garcia's computer room closing the door.

"Hey what's up sweets?" she asked smiling turning to me.

"I am the most clumsiest person ever ugh" I groaned. "Aww what happened?" she asked looking at me with concern.

"I bumped into Spencer" I said looking up at her. "Y/n I swear you have the biggest crush on that boy" she told me with a laugh.

"Shut up" I said giggling trying to distract myself by playing with the items scattered around her room.

Spencer's P.O.V

I finally finished the last of my work. I got up starting to head over to Hotch's office.

I read them over as I walked to make sure they were right. Boom. "Ow" I heard a small voice say.

"Oh my gosh, y/n I'm so sorry" I told her finally realizing she bumped into me. "Oh don't worry, I wasn't looking where I was going" she said quickly walking away.

Spencer you're so awkward.

You could have at least talked to the love of your life without almost giving her a concussion.

"Hey Hotch, I finished the paperwork for the last case" I told the man putting the files on his desk.

"Okay perfect can you take this to Penelope for me?" he told me handing me a few papers. I grabbed them and began walking towards her office.

When I got to her door I heard talking from the inside so I waited patiently.

It wasn't until a few seconds after I realized it was y/n and Penelope.

I leaned my ear against the door trying to hear in.

"I am the most clumsiest person ever ugh" I heard her groaned. "Aww what happened?" Garcia asked.

"I bumped into Spencer" She said. "Y/n I swear you have the biggest crush on that boy"  I heard Garcia reply laughing. I felt my eyes widen.

I quickly left the papers on the small desk outside before running to the bathroom.

"Hey y/n, I like you a lot I heard your conversation" No that just no. I told myself as I looked at my reflection through the mirror.

"Hey y/n you're hot" no ugh.

Y/n's P.O.V

I finally walked out of her office and started to head back to my desk when I heard my name being called.

"Hey y/n can I talk to you?" Spencer asked rubbing the back of his neck nervously.

"Yea of course." I answered back as I followed him outside the glass doors right in front of the elevator.

"Y/n listen i- i uhm I really like you like a lot and I don't know if you like me but it's okay if you don't I understand trust me, ugh sorry I don't really know how to-" he rambled.

"Spencer" I cut him off with a smile. "Hmm" he hummed meeting my eyes. "Kiss me already" I told him with a smirk.

In a second he wrapped his arms around my waist pulling me in. I snaked my hands around his neck as his lips met mine.

I let them move in sync. It felt like forever and we finally pulled away for air. "I like you too Spencer" I told him running my hands through his hair.

He just smiled pulling me back in for another kiss.

"Not at work" I heard my dad's strict voice say as he walked past us.

"Sorry sir" Spencer mumbled pulling away. I intertwined our hands as we walked back to our desks, sneaking glances at each other every now and then.

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