Chapter 5

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Hraerek was very satisfied. He had discovered a roe deer in a clearing covered with snow and had been able to kill it with bow and arrow before she had noticed him. He carried her back to the cave where he had left Cassandra with his wolves. Hopefully she had calmed down a bit by now, so he would get more information out of her. The last few hours he found it hard to concentrate on the hunt. His thoughts wandered from the tracking to this young woman with the ash blond hair that shone like silver threads in the glow of the fire. But there were just too many questions left unanswered: Where did she come from? Who was she? Was she hiding something from him?

Could she possibly be a spy for Cantos and this ring her payment. But no, it didn't seem right to him. From what he saw of her behavior, this ring had more significance for Cassandra than it could possibly be payment.

But she hadn't answered his question either. He could see no evidence in her that she already belonged to a man. No bracelet or signet ring that showed him that she belonged to a family.

But even the thought of returning her to the arms of a man drove him mad. Cassandra was a stunningly beautiful woman with a goddess's body and silky skin. Any man would be overjoyed to have such a jewel by his side. He already counted more than thirty summers and it was long time for him to take a wife. Only so far none had managed to hold his attention longer than a few nights. He really did not lack female company. All too many whores and widows in Cielon threw themselves at him; by now more than he would like. But what was the point of having a wife if her mind was only on power and new clothes?

Hraerek had only met a few women who could be considered admirable in his eyes.

A good example was Enid; behind her lovely smile was a cunning beast with a tactical talent and a unique sense of action.

He saw it as his task to find out more about Cassandra. Whether she posed a danger to his people or whether she could be trusted.

Hraerek arrived back at the cave where he had left his find with Fenris and Hjalmar. He held the deer and climbed up the entrance. But it was not the rising warmth of the fire that made him pause. He had told his wolves to stay, but even he did not expect that.

While the two slept close to the fire, Cassandra lay between them; cuddled to her asleep. Fenris raised his head and looked at him with big eyes. Hjalmar seemed to have noticed him, too, but only raised her ears.

"It's all right, stay down. Warm up your new friend," Hraerek whispered softly before he put down his booty.

That was incredible! Not even his brother Jovssut allowed his wolves to come closer to him, let alone stroke them. And this little woman slept peacefully between the two wild animals, like a baby in a cradle. Usually they only came to him or at least stayed near him.

Hraerek set about pulling the skin off the deer and taking it apart. His wolves would attack the remains later. The fire was still big enough and would keep them warm for the night. He put them pieces of meat on arrows and placed them next to the fire. They would soon be cooked. He used the time to spread out his cloak and sit down to watch his find.

Cassandra slept, but her face seemed tense. A nightmare. A bad one, the way she twitched and whimpered. Fenris and Hjalmar seemed to have noticed it too. They moved closer to her until Cassandra calmed down a little. But Hraerek could no longer sit still. He went over to them and made it clear to his wolves with hand signals that they should move aside. The animals let go of her only reluctantly, which astonished him. They were always so reserved towards strangers. Where did this change of heart come from?

He had enough time to think about it later; now Cassandra was more important. Hraerek took the sleeping woman in his arms and carried her over to his seat. Up close he saw her tortured face and the tears on her cheeks. She had to go through terrible things. Her hand shot forward and clawed into the fabric of his tunic.

"No, Caiden... please, don't go..." she whispered. Her voice was hardly audible. Only like a light wind, but Hraerek understood. Caiden. Caiden. Who was he? She begged him not to leave her. His body tense up while his mind raced. A lover, a brother, or perhaps her...? An overwhelming fury burned in Hraerek against this man who had a place in Cassandra's heart. But as much as he wished to tear this man to pieces who made Cassandra cry, even if it was only his dream, he now had to think of the warm bundle in his arms.

"It's all right. I'm here," he whispered softly into Cassandra's hair, pressing her firmly against him. He didn't know whether her reaction should make him happy or angry, for she visibly relaxed and slowly released the clasp on his tunic. Whoever this Caiden was, he must have meant a lot to her that she was dreaming of him. His thoughts calmed down, no matter how unreal it seemed to him, how many he had addressed to her so far. This woman, this little being held many surprises for him. In only one day she aroused in him such wonder, desire, jealousy and possessiveness as he had never experienced before.

Cassandra enchanted him in a way he had never experienced with any woman before; if there were not a dark voice in his consciousness that tried to call him to his senses again, to be careful.


How nice and warm it was. Fenris and Hjalmar really knew how to keep her warm. She snuggled up tighter to the two animals and let her hand slip over their soft fur. Only there was no fur. Was she still dreaming? Under her fingertips, she felt tight muscles and small, rough hairs. While she continued to send her hand exploring, she felt a strong heartbeat. That wasn't, like...?

Cassandra opened her eyes and found the two wolves waiting again, but Hraerek, who held her hand in his paw and looked at them with glowing eyes. He wasn't going to kiss her again, was he? Quickly, before he noticed what was happening, she took his hand away and slapped him in the face. The sound echoed in the small cave, frightening them both. Quickly she moved away from his lap and put as much distance between them as possible. Hraerek hurried after her and got hold of her. He put his strong arm around her waist and held her with an iron grip.

"Where are you going? We've only just started," he whispered hoarsely into her ear. She tried to wriggle out of his grip, but he was much too strong. With his other hand he held her arm and forced her to hold still. But it wasn't his iron hug that made her pause but what she felt at her hip. The hard bump that appeared was unmistakable. She had not been with a man for a long time, but that was a clear sign. No, please don't!

But her rigidity dissolved when she felt Hraerek's arm gliding higher around her, down to the underside of her breasts. Her inner voice screamed to defend herself, just like her father had taught her to, but that was not possible. This man behind her caressed her, wanted to. And even if she did not want to admit it to herself, she liked it. She liked the way those big hands stroked her body and he stroked her neck with his lips. He had let go of her arm and embraced her face so that her neck was presented to him unprotected. He gently nibbled her ear, causing her to moan.

"You are so beautiful," he whispered to her.

Cassandra was startled. Those words. No, she couldn't. She could not give herself to that man! All the defences in her body were set up as she was about to release herself from his embrace. She defended herself with all her might, but she could hardly resist his physical strength.

"No!" she screamed with all her might. Hraerek paused in his touch, which finally gave Cassandra the opportunity to free herself from him. Frightened, she staggered backwards and fell down. The surprise was clearly written on Hraerek's face. But also remorse. When he wanted to come closer, she immediately held her hand up.

"No, please don't. Don't come any closer..."

Her last words were little more than a sob. Thick tears were rolling down her cheeks, obscuring her vision. What had she done? She had broken her vow. Her promise. She had kept it for so long, and now?

Now it was too late.

Translated with the help of DeepL.

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