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I sat there with my head down as Asia went to the car to see if our swimsuits were there and tried to think of any excuse not to go. I know I already said yes,but Uber is a thing, she wouldn't even have to leave. It would be kinda shitty to leave her here alone though. ( No matter how much I thought about it).

I couldn't complain about the distance since the beach was literally right there. Bow that I think about it that's probably why Tavon and Derrick were at this ice cream shop. I raised my head to look around the ice cream shop and saw a good amount of in shape dudes. Must be other football players.

I grabbed my phone and put my earbuds in my ear. I didn't play any music because I wanted to hear what they would say if they thought I wasn't listening. For about 5 minutes they sat and talked about random things. It was so boring I almost actually played music. Where tf is Asia, I know we didn't park that far?!?

"Kehlani," I heard my name quietly come out of Derrick's mouth. I didn't answer, if he  actually wanted to say something to me why would he basically whisper my name?

In the same quiet tone I heard," Okay dude I need you to take one for the team and hang out with Kehlani at the beach,"  come from Derrick.

"Really bro?" ,Tavon didn't sound too thrilled, but I didn't mind,who wouldn't want to hang out with Asia. Tavon just said okay in an annoyed tone.

"Kehlani is cool, like you're interested in her theater stuff. Just do this and you can have the next girl I try," Derrick said. I can't see any of their expressions due to the fact that my head is back down,but all I know is Tavon is not happy.

Bitch... Next girl. I wasn't even bothered by the fact that I was something they tried to push off. It's the fact that he's just in this for a good time. They just kinda started talking again,and 15 minutes had passed since Asia had left. Now I know we couldn't have parked that far

"Kehlani," I heard my name a little louder from Derrick again. I still didn't look up, I didn't I wanna give myself away. " Kehlani," he said again tapping the table.

I looked up and took my earbuds that weren't even  playing anything out, "Yeah?"

"So what's up with Asia, is she single," Well he took no time getting straight to the point.

" Yeah why?" I knew why but I have to admit I love acting clueless

" Well  I just hope we can all become friend, you know like a little group, and then me and Asia get to know eachother".

Very straight to the point.

All I could do is have a little staring contest with him. What did he expect me to say, I'll give you my blessing?

I guess Tavon felt uncomfortable or left out because he said," Yeah, Kehlani and I want to get to know you too".  That's a lie.

I looked over at him trying to hide the fact that I knew that it was bs.

I smiled at him and said, "Oh that's cool". I know for a fact that I'm not feeling Derrick,but Tavon, he's not arrogant so compared to him, I feel better hanging out with Tavon.

Derrick looked at me and started talking again, " So do you think she'll be interested?"

Hell yeah, " Maybe I'm not to sure," I said shrugging my shoulders. As giggly as she was you'd just have to be a straight up dummy to not notice.

" I'm pretty sure you might have an idea," he said through a smile.

"Well we are going to a beach with two boys that are taller that us, stronger than us, and are strangers to us so use context clues," I said without thinking. Damn that was kinda mean. " Sorry that sounded rude".

Tavon looked shocked by what I said even though it wasn't aimed at him. Derrick looked unfazed though.

"You good".

After 25 minutes Asia calls me. " Come to the car so we can change. "

I walked over to the car which was in the same spot and got in.

"Asia where were you?" I say sounding a little irritated.

"I went back to my house to get us some cute swim suits and jean shorts. And also to get in the shower."

" I could've come with you".

Asia looks up starts smiling, " I mean yeah,but then who was gonna listen to what Derrick had to say about me."

This girl really had a plan.

I can't stay mad when she starts smiling, I laughed," So you used me?"

" No I just borrowed your facilities for my benefit".


"So did he say anything about me?"

"I don't know, I had my earbuds in".

She looked at me sideways," Now we both know that's a lie".

"Just like when you said you didn't use me."

She started bouncing like a little kid and clasped her hands together," please, please, please please, pretty please."

" Oh my gosh, okay. He said he was interested,but I think you should chill and sit on this. We just met this dude an hour ago."

" But he's cute," she said as she stopped bouncing.

" Still doesn't change the fact that we don't know him."

"But he's athletic and we can get to know him."

She got me there.  I just stood there thinking about thinking about how to convey that I thought he was a dick nicely.

She looked at me and said," Tavon seems cool too, like y'all would vibe with eachother well,"

I think I might have a staring problem because I just looked at her.

"Look I just wanna see how this little bit of attention goes"

"But you're always getting attention. Like from everybody. "

" I know but he seems kinda different and fun for us."

What she means is he has a friend for me,but I don't want a boyfriend and I haven't wanted one before. She just doesn't wanna leave me out.

She finishes dressing," I promise I will proceed with caution. I just wanna have fun for senior year. A little person on the side won't hurt.

I finished dressing and I'm so thankful for these windows being tinted. We got out the car and walked over to the boys at the table so we could head over to the beach.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 22, 2020 ⏰

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