Scene Seven

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Friday, February 15th

Einstein Academy

Ms. Davis's 7th period, ELA

The day had gone by in a blur, class after class after class, six down one to go, one to go until the game, the Championship game. I was back in Ms. Davis's class, which turns out wasn't that bad, over the week I actually started liking her, now that I sat in the front I was able to pay attention and follow along easier. I had just sat down next to Jayden in the front row when Ms. Davis announced the one thing that ruined my day.

Homework, the Non-Fiction paper, the essay, the assignment that's one-third of Rose's grade. I had completely forgotten to put it in my bag this morning! I was too busy getting ready and practicing basketball, I left it on the desk. I took a deep breath and clenched and unclenched my fists. I bit my lip, this was not good, this was not good. I took deep calming breaths that did not help whatsoever. Unfortunately, Jayden noticed what I was doing and asked, "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine, perfectly fine," I said through gritted teeth. I turned to collect other people's paper, they all looked so organized and neat which just made me feel even worse.

Jayden, who was still looking at me, tilted her head, "Are you sure your okay? Was the assignment hard or something?"

"No it was fine."

"Okay but something's wrong....." She trailed off as she thought, then she lit up like she had an idea. "Did. You. Not. Do. it?" She asked really slowly.

Then I panicked, she knew Rose, the Rose that never missed an assignment, that had everything done before it was due. The Rose that never messed up or skipped an assignment, the Rose that was not me. The Rose that was better than me.

Apparently, my face showed what I was thinking, or she was just a really good face reader because she got up and went over to Ms. Davis's desk, shared a few words, and then beckoned me over. I got up and followed her out the door and into the hallway, we stopped near some lockers and there Jayden looked me in the eye and said. "Okay, look Rose. People mess up; it's reality, it's human! We're not robots. What sets us apart and what makes us better is that once we mess up, we bounce back, we get back up and try again. And we keep doing that till we succeed. So blow it off, who cares? You missed an assignment. Meh, I miss them all the time. The important thing is you get back up and try harder, make it up somehow." She paused, "Did you at least start it?"

I bit my lip, yeah. "I finished it and printed, left in on my desk." My vision was getting blurry and my eyes watery.

She touched my arm, "Okay, that's good. You did it, is it possible that you could share it with the teacher and have her print it or something?"

"Maybe, I don't know, that might work."

"Cool, and Rose?"

It took me a second to remember that she was talking to me, "Oh yeah?"

"Don't let this get to your head. We have a game today and we need you focused, not worried about Ms. Davis's assignment. 'Kay? Keep your head clear, don't let this faze you." She looked me dead in the eye as she said this.

"Okay, okay. Head focused," I said to no one in particular.

"Let's head back," she suggested. I followed Jayden back into the classroom and headed straight for Ms. Davis's desk, I hope she's going to give me an extension or allow me to print it here. I thought.

Our teacher was there at her table grading papers with her red pen, everyone else was online doing an assignment. When I arrived at her desk I took a deep breath, clenched and unclenched my fists and then asked with a smile, "Hi Ms. Davis, is it possible that I could get an extension on the Non-Fiction essay? I've been really busy with our basketball game coming up and other homework that I hadn't gotten the time to finish the assignment."

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