oh fuck i'm chibeese

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 the noose started choking me for about 30 seconds before i decided i didnt want to do this.  'it's not worth it' i thoughT.  with all my strength i turned the chair upright and stepped back onto it so i could breathe again.  as i gathered my thoughts i grabbed my phone and started to dial my boyfriend, pou.  at this point i was crying hysterically at the fact i was going to kill me and my unborn child, the phone rang 3 times before pou picked up.  "hey babe, what's up?"     "i need you to come over, bring a knife please."  "w-what do you mean?  why would i need to bring a knife? are you in danger?"  he asked worriedly.  "i-i-i tried to kill myself by hanging and i cannot get the noose off..." i said meekly.  "...i'm coming as fast as i can".  after about two minutes i hear my door opening and i hear "BABE! BABE ARE YOU OKAY" but haha plot twist after i ended tHE cAll i fell and broke my neck and died end of story for real this timezahaghdkb.

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