Chapter 17

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Alpha Sana

I softly pushed Tzuyu onto Momo before jumping on top of her, while still making sure not to crush her body. Me being much heavier than her.

I gently turned her around, so she could face me, before I started tickling her. "I can't believe you did that".

Tzuyu squirmed and tried to move her body away from my hands, but I wouldn't let her. I continued to tickle her before suddenly stopping to let her breath.

"Where the heck did you learn to do that?" I asked as her heart rate started to calm down. She shrugged her shoulders.

I lean my head down and stopped inches away from her face just as she had just done to me earlier. I heard her breathe hitch in her throat.

From up close, I could see every feature on her face. From the small array of freckles littered around her cheeks to her cute little baby hairs on her hairline.

I let my lips hover over hers, allowing her to feel the soft caress of mine before quickly pulling away and standing up.

I smirked down at her before heading into the kitchen to start dinner. Tzuyu joined me shortly, still wanting to help make the lasagne.

I watched her as she chopped the vegetables. Her tongue was sticking out the side of her mouth as she concentrated on cutting the vegetables and not her fingers.

I quickly looked away and started preparing the mince when I noticed her head turn in my direction. I heard her giggle before looking back over at the vegetables.

We continued like that for a while, me staring at her and her catching me before the lasagne was ready to put into the oven.

"This lasagne is going to be so good" I sighed as I leaned myself against the counter top. Tzuyu nodded before coming to stand next to me, smiling up at me.

"I'm going to pop into the shower, would you like me to take you anywhere before I head up?" I asked. She shook her head before kissing my cheek and heading into the living room. I stood for a few seconds just touching my cheek before quickly composing myself and heading upstairs to shower.

Just as I'm getting changed, I get a mindlink from one of the pack guards.

"Alpha, there are rogues attacking on the East boarder" He frantically said through the mindlink.

I quickly got changed and rushed down the stairs. Tzuyu was still sitting on the sofa. Nobody was in the living room when she first got in.

"Tzuyu, rogues are attacking. We need to get out now" I was going to take her to the safe house. We made sure to have a safe house in each side of the pack territory and in the middle.

Tzuyu looked up at me with a worried expression and grabbed a hold of my hand. I dragged her to the back of the house and down to where the secret tunnels were. These tunnels were located underground, all starting in the basement. They all lead to the safe houses.

"I need you to climb onto my back" I tell her. I need to get out there and fight, but I definitely can't let Tzuyu get to the safe house by herself.

She didn't hesitate before jumping onto my back. I quickly sped off to the safe house at the west boarder. I felt Tzuyu's arms tighten around my neck as I sped up.

I finally got there and let Tzuyu climb off my back.

"Please stay here, I'll be back as quick as I can. I promise" She put her hand on my cheek before nodding. I sighed. I really don't want to leave Tzuyu at the moment, but my pack needs me at the moment, especially Tzuyu. Her safety, along with the packs, is above everything.

I looked at Tzuyu one last time before rushing out the safe house doors. I transform into my wolf and run towards the east boarder.

"Alpha, they are getting closer to the pack house" The guard said over the mind link. Danver started to run faster.

I reached the east boarder and started fighting against the rogues. There were a lot of them, but we definitely outnumbered them by at least twenty wolves.

I made my way from rogue to rogue, tearing their throats out.

We have caught sight of more rogues at the west boarder

I froze knowing fully well that Tzuyu was in the safe house there. I ripped out the last rogues throat before taking off into a run. I heard the pounding paws of my pack warriors on the forest ground as they ran behind me.

The attack on the east must have been some sort of distraction so they could get in.

We all sprang into action once we got there. Attacking any rogue in sight. When I saw that my pack was winning, I ran off to the safe house that Tzuyu was currently in. This was a serious rogue attack. I have never seen this many rogues working together.

I was fast approaching the safe house when I felt a loose tug in my heart.

Mate is scared Danver whimpered as we neared the safe house. I heard screams from where I was running and pushed Danver to run faster. I mind link the rest of my warriors to check the other safe houses.

Everyone in the safe house was backed up in one corner, the guards doing the best they could to keep the few rogues from attacking their pack. I looked around and found Tzuyu standing behind one of the guars looking scared. She had this look of horror on her face as she stared at the rogues in front of her.

With lightning speed, I took out the rogues one by one, ripping my teeth through their flesh. As I finished off the last rogue, I felt arms wrap around me from behind and my mates scent envelope me.

I turned around and hugged her tightly, happy that she was okay. Having all this happen so suddenly has made me realise how much more careful I have to be with Tzuyu. Now that she is in my life, she is my weakness. If Tzuyu dies, I honestly don't know what I would do.

Is everyone alright? I mind link my warriors and guards to make sure that no pack member was hurt.

I got immediate responses Only minor injuries.

I sighed in relief, we were lucky to only have minor injuries, it isn't often that we get rogue attacks. When we do get them, we usually have more grave injuries.

I push my head into Tzuyu's neck and breathed in her soothing scent.

Wait. Fuck. The lasagne.

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