Oh Miss Popular

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          You may be wondering if I'm so popular how can my life possibly be living hell. Well I'm here to tell you. Hi, my name is Alison and I'm the 'popular girl.' Really the only reason I'm "popular" or whatever you want to call it... is because, well you probably guessed it, I'm the captain of the cheer team..of course. But just because my school life may be good and all doesn't mean my home life is as well or my life on social media. In reality my school life isn't the best either. I don't really have many friends, people talk about me behind my back calling me rude names, if only they knew my life. Let's get to the story of my life.

       When I was about the age of 5 my mom put me into competitive cheer, which isn't a bad thing. I just wasn't all that girly and honestly didn't want to do it, but my mom made me and turned me 'girly'. My Dad was an alcohol addict and a drug addict so he's been hitting me and verbally abusing me since I was 3 nothing I'm not used to anymore. My family isn't rich..whatsoever..actually we're pretty poor if I do say so. The only things that make me popular are my good looks and the fact that I'm captain of the cheer team.

     Elementary school wasn't the worst but also wasn't the best just kinda..meh. I made one friend there, his name was Axle, but we lost contact when he moved to a different state. Middle school was a different story. I was constantly bullied in middle school because everyone there knew I was poor. I didn't dress or eat poorly, but one of my "friends" , well really only friend, told everyone after she came to my house one day that I was poor and abused. Then everyone bullied me from that day on calling me names and telling me to just kill myself. That only made things worse for me. I was already being abused at home and now I was also being bullied at school.

    Fast forward to high school. After years and years of being on cheer my Mom made me tryout for the high school team, and of course I became team captain. So exciting most would say, but I didn't want the attention, I wanted to be the loner girl but with this I couldn't be. I became the popular girl. Instantly everyone and I mean everyone assumed my life was perfect when it's far from that. If I'm out too late I get hit..several times. I can't tell anyone because then I'll be kicked out and I kinda need a place to stay. Now let's go to my day to day life at school and at home.

     I wake up and get ready for school. I'll hide my bruises with makeup and go down to eat then head to school.

     "Good morning Alison," said my geometry teacher.

     "Good morning Miss! I hope you had a good night last night," I always try to come off as nice as possible so it gives people less room to make fun of me. After school I go to cheer practice. If i come home even a minute late bottles are thrown at me and so on. I have to be a Mom because my mom won't be one and I cook food for me and my little siblings. I am going to tell you now what could very well be the best day of my life also known as the day i met my best friend.

     I walked into school as a regular day would be but this time I noticed there was a girl sitting in the open spot at my table. She must be new I thought to myself and sure enough she was.

     "Hi I'm Alison and I'm the captain of the cheer team," I said to introduce myself.

     "Oh, hi, you must be Miss Popular sorry sorry that was rude anyways I'm Lexi and I'm new. I'd love to be friends if that's okay"

     "That's more then okay! I'd love that," and I truly did love it.

     With every passing day me and her grew closer and closer. I learned her personality and although she still didn't know the true me and who I was inside I was going to show her.

     "Hey Lex."

     "Oh hey Ally!"

     "So uhm I was wondering if you'd like to come over and spend the night?"

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