20 Abused! Reader And CP

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Sorry I didn't put this in earlier , I have no excuse for it other than I forgot until this very moment

Trigger Warning ((TW)) This contains the following ;

• Abuse - Physical
• Kidnapping ((A little??))
• Stockholm Syndrome?
• Hints of Starvation




~~Footsteps into the room you're in~~

"P-please..no more.." You quietly said as you were lying there, crying, covered in bruises and cuts.

The person left the room and quickly came back with a towel. You couldn't notice anything because of your tears, spilling out your eyes.

The cold, wet towel moved all over your body.

"C-cold..!" You whined out with the remaining words you could say before you would pass out from tiredness. ((Is that even a word? 😅))

The person cleaning you up, shushed and soothed you. As soon as you heard the soft "sshh"s you felt soothed and relaxed. You didn't care who was touching you. You only cared about sleeping from how tired you were.

The soft shushes put you to sleep straight away.


You wake up in a comfy bed. You move your body a little so you could sit up. You used your hands to rub your eyes. You blinked a little until you could see clearly. You looked around the room you woke up in, it was pretty plain; nothing on the walls, a box with clothes spilling out onto the floor, a small rack with shoes and hats on it.

A little girl knocked on the door and walked in, looking at you.

"H-hello.." she said. You were in awe of her appearance.

"Hello, little one" You said back, looking at her.

"I'm Sally, the person who brought you here was Toby.. He was hoping to see you?"

"Okay, I'll be down in a few.. Is that okay, Sally?"

"Mhm! I'll tell him." Sally said, as she walked out the room and closed the door behind her.

You got out of bed and walked to the box of clothes. You picked out a black short sleeved shirt and some comfy black shorts. You walked to the shoe rack and picked out some black trainers. You walked to the door and opened it, walking out and closing it once again. You walked down the staircase. You walked into the kitchen, as soon as you got to the bottom step. You looked into the kitchen and there was; a boy with brown chocolate hair and a jumper, making waffles, a boy with black ash hair and a smile carved into his face, a yellow hooded figure with two red lines for eyes and a smile which, was also red. You looked at all of them then turned away, the sudden movement causing all the boys to look at you.

As you walked away you hear a voice behind you,

"Boo~" the voice said. You screamed at the top of your lungs.

Everyone was startled from the noise and looked at you and the man with the permanent smile in his face.

"What the hell man!?" You yelled.

"Sorry, sorry" the man said, "I'm Jeff.. Toby's in the kitchen by the way"

"where??" You asked

"He's the one making waffles."

"T-thank you.." You said, walking to the kitchen, again.

Toby looked at you, "Hey," He said.

"Hey, Toby?.."

"Yea, that's me. Any way... Uh... How are you?" He asked, trying not to make anything more awkward than it already was.

"Good, you?" You asked, being polite.

"I'm alright.. And sorry for the other day... I kind of kidnapped you and now you're here?.."

"It's alright.. Anywhere is better than there." You said, being honest.

"Yea, I figured it all out when I found you. Anyway, how are the cuts and bruises? Have they healed?" He asked.

"I haven't even seen them..!"

"They are under the bandages?"

"I know, that's what I meant.. Hehe.."

"Haha, sure. Want one?" He offered you a waffle.

"Sure, thank you!" you took the waffle off the plate and started eating it.

"You look hungry, when was the last time you ate?" He asked.

You shrugged your shoulders.

He stared at you like you have said something that could leave someone startled. "So, you don't even know the last time you ate!?"

You paused and looked at him, confused. Then, still confused, you nod your head (yes). "Why? Is it not normal to not eat?"

He didn't say anything, instead, he looked at you, frowning. He moved away from you and got a big bowl out of the cupboard. He placed it on the counter and went to the fridge. He pulled out some things.

"What are you doing?" You asked, curiously.

"Getting you food to eat." He said, looking back at you, smiling.

"Oh, okay. But, I'm kind of full from the waffle." You said.

"It's from you not eating enough. The waffle is all you can eat because of you being starved."

"Oh, so do I have to eat all of this?"

"No, only eat what you can manage. I don't want you to be sick."

"Oh, okay, thank you, Toby." You said, looking at the food; strawberries, chicken, ham, grapes ((red and green)) chocolate, cupcakes ((White, Dark chocolate • • •)), cookies, and made you a sandwich.

You looked surprised from the amount of food was in the fridge. "Wow" You said, finally, after a minute of silence.

A/N : Yay! This is the longest part I have ever done! I'm so happy! I finally did the longest, hopefully, if I have time, I can do more longer ones! You may have to wait a few days for it but hopefully, I'll be able to do more I'm one day and not multiple days. Anyway, JJ's out, bye~!

856 words or the story itself not the AN bit.

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