01. fate

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01. fate [fluff]

hinata believed in destiny

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hinata believed in destiny.

he believed that people met for a reason — that forces beyond anyone's control could bring two people together at any specific moment. perhaps they could be connected in a way he would never understand.

hinata believed it was destiny that brought him and kageyama together.

destiny was what caused hinata to stop his bike and watch the television screen through the window of a store.

destiny was what motivated hinata to create his own middle school volleyball team.

destiny was what caused hinata and kageyama to meet during hinata's first and last middle school volleyball game.

destiny was what caused kageyama to end up at karasuno instead of aoba johsai or shiratorizawa.

all of these things were out of hinata's control. after all, he didn't choose to meet kageyama. because of that, he believed he was meant to end up as kageyama's friend, or teammate, or whatever he was meant to be. hinata thought the universe wanted kageyama to play an important role in hinata's life in one way or another.

but then again, this was just what hinata believed.

"kageyama, do you believe in fate?" hinata asked while the two were walking home together after practice.

"what do you mean?" kageyama asked, his eyebrows furrowing in confusion.

"well, you know... do you believe that things happen for a reason?"

hinata found himself subconsciously peering up at the vast expanse of stars above them. the sky was a deep blue, the type of blue that appeared right after sunset.

"i don't know. i've never thought about it."

"i mean, every single decision you've ever made in your life has led up to now," hinata explained. "do you think it was a weird coincidence that we ended up teammates, or do you think it was fate that brought us together?"

"it could've been anything. why are you asking me this, dumbass? do you think i'm too stupid to understand concepts like these?"

kageyama glared at hinata, expecting the latter to respond with a snarky remark. he didn't.

"it's not that. i was just wondering, that's all."

the two continued walking down the road without saying anything, the sound of chirping crickets and buzzing streetlights filling up the silence. hinata glanced over at kageyama, and it seemed as though the taller were in deep thought. hinata wondered what kageyama could possibly be thinking about.

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