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         I heard the crashing of the waves on the rocks were me and my 10 sister sat on rocks. Suddenly I heard male human voices, I knew what was comeing next, I closed my eyes to not show the sorrow, thats when my sister's opened there mouth to sing, a beautiful song came out of there lips..."Come to me my darling to be, let me draw you in. Useing my beauty and useing my voice, let me draw you in. I have riches, I have jewels, let me draw you in. Come to me my darling to be, and let me draw you to...DEATH!" Thats when the sailors came out of the trance and were doomed to death, they begain to scream "sirens!" "mermaids!" "monsters!" They begain to plead for mercy, telling us of there family's and loved ones. Tears burned in my eyes, I hate being a siren, despite what you have heard, sirens are just curced mermaids, curces to live a life with enchanting beauty and enchanting voices, this may sound good to be drop dead beautiful, but not when this curse literaly causes you to make people drop dead. The queen and king of sirens have convinced the others that humans are evil creatures who hate anyone different then them, and sometimes I suppose it is the truth though I feel like not all humans could be evil, at least they dont lead people to there death. I have never sung the song, but my golden hair, tan skin, and sky blue eyes are enough to draw in the innocent sailors, but if I don't at least sit on the rocks my life is threatened, the queen and king would have me exacuted for abandoning our kind, and if I ran away there would be a very slim chance I would survive, and I would have to leave my family, though they are evil like every other siren, they are all I have and if I needed them I would need to have full loyalty. That's when I saw him, a young baby being held by a dyeing mother. When I looked in the baby's eyes I saw something, not the ussual fear I see, but something more, thats when the mother looked to me and said this one word "please" then she went limp and sunk under the dark ocean thats when I did the unthinkable...I dove in the water, to save a human.

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