act fifteen { the conclusion of our faux act of love }

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"You think a hit like that could bring me down? Oh, you girls are in for a surprise."

Koan was only riled up by the Sailor Guardians agitation and in return for blasting her back, she mustered a flame or dark fire. Across the back courtyard of the academy lined the Sailor Guardians, Sailor Mars at the helm to fight back with fire. The start of their fight could have gone worse with the fact a cultural festival was booming just an hour ago. Darting between disguised nuns and innocent attendees proved to be a challenge. But they were the Sailor Guardians and no match was too much for them.  

Sailor Mars charged first for flames to fight against each other. Her fists and kicks landed on Koan, setting them apart and she was ready to land the finishing blow, but a blur of white and black darted around her. 

"Miya!" A child's voice rang in the air just as Koan stood tall.

"You will never defeat them, you monster!" Sailor Mars steeled her veins. "You can try, but your defeat will prevail!"

"Silence, you pathetic fool! Nothing can and will defeat me!"

When Koan aimed another fire ball at Sailor Mars, the blur of white running around finally came to the warrior's eyes. A child? Sailor Mars was quick to catch Koan's change of direction. She bolted into a run and pulled the girl away from a flaming attack. The Guardian tucked them behind a tree to catch a breath. 

"You must be the Miya I've heard about. What are you doing here? You can get seriously hurt!" Miya wildly blinked from both shock and how quick her world flipped before she turned to the Sailor Guardian holding her. Chibiusa was somewhere, yelling her name above the sounds of other fighting warriors.

"I—I wa—"

"You may have dodged the first, but seconds are coming right up." Koan's voice roared over cracks of lightening, whips, and splashes of water. "Sailor Mars, stay there—" A Guardian yelled over another crackling before she was smacked to the ground 

"Stay out of my way! My fight is with the Sailor of Mars!" In a rage, Koan blasted the group around her, Chibiusa included. Sailor Moon crashed to the ground when she heard her friend's scream. The warrior whisked Miya away before the tree caught fire. Her throat heaved every time she saved them both and sweat layered forehead. Her arms ached when she finally stood Miya on the ground, but her work wasn't done. 

"Moon Princess Halation!" 

Sailor Moon conjured up most of her strength and aimed for Koan, who was trapped in a vortex of fire by Sailor Mars. The woman screamed until she existed no more. An odd quiet fell over the group now that they could relax. Just as she was to thank her friend, a man appeared from thin air behind Sailor Mars to trap her in his arms.

"You must be Sailor Mars."

"Let me go!" The Guardian struggled in the man's tight hold. The man wore a smug smile before he disappeared with Sailor Mars in his grasp. 

The Sailor Guardians Tuxedo Mask were stunned to silence. The air grew tight around them, challenging them to breath. Sailor Moon scrambled to the spot where her friend stood last and screamed.

"No, Sailor Mars!"

Sailor Moon reached to the sky, grasping the open air, shedding every tear of hope she would grab her friend. But she didn't. Sailor Mars didn't return. The air was quiet. The space in front of them was empty. Sailor Mercury doused the tree before greater attention would be brought to the back. Saved in Tuxedo Mask's arms, Chibiusa moved her gaze to Miya's still frame before jumping down. 


The girl's stare was blank and hand still mid-air like she was saying something. The smallest breath past Miya's lips. Her raised hand began to shake even more than her body when Chibiusa shook her shoulders. Then her small breaths turned to stutters. "S-S-She's gone--"

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