act twelve { a goddess' revelation, a past touch, and cheers to the future }

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Lounging in the peace of their home after a nice evening meal, the remainder of the Tsukino family were blissfully naive to the horror that waited outside. Over their roof stretched a never-ending night and a chill no other has seen. Sprawled out on the floor with a bowl of popcorn, Shingo jumped at the sound of something dropping on the ground. His eyes looked up to the ceiling where the bedrooms reside.  

"Was that Miyako?" Kenji asked from the kitchen. 

Shingo slowly shifted his body to sit up before a yell muffled by a closed door shot him up. "Mom, dad, I Miyako's hurt!" Without wasting a second, the boy dropped his bowl to rush to his sister's side. Right behind their son, Ikuko and Kenji rushed up the stairs to their twin's bedroom to see Shingo struggling with the doorknob. 

"Miyako, Miyako? Is everything alright?"

Another yell worried Ikuko's soul. It was her daughter on the other side of the door that they couldn't open. As her husband furiously twisted the knob, Ikuko knocked on the door, louder and louder in hopes their daughter answered. "Miyako, are you okay? Mama's right here, don't worry!"

"Mom, dad, what's that?"

Shingo pointed to the gap between the bedroom door and the floor. A golden light stronger than any light was a lit in the room. As their son did so, Ikuko and Kenji moved to crouch down. The screams of their daughter was a sound they wished on no parent. It broke their heart to ashes to hear her pain but have no way of healing it. Just as the family glimpsed at the light, the three family members suddenly collapsed to sleep.  

Confident the rattling ended, Nova could finally relax her shoulders after standing on her hind legs. Following the golden light, the dreammaster joined Queen Serenity's side to watch Miyako. In the midst of the light shower, the girl hovered in the air with a gold birthmark shining on her forehead.  

"Come on, my child. Please wake up."

Queen Serenity held her hands together in prayer. Her eyes never left the teen's face, watching her facial muscles contort in agony and pleasure. The Queen couldn't imagine the emotions Miyako was going through. The sleepwear Miyako was previously in was now swapped for a gown. Blue fabric lining crossed her chest while layers of white cascade down her body to the crystal heels on her feet. Her hair was now matched the colour of a night sky--its blue shade could hold the stars themselves--and was massively inches longer. The finest jewelry coated her collarbone and ears, befitting a woman of royal station. 

From the girl's chest, eliciting another yell from her, was the summoning of a weapon years in the forging and hiding. Queen Serenity's breath shuddered at the lotus flower opening to reveal its intricate petals hovering above Miyako's chest. 

"There it is. The Legendary Silver Crystal."

The most powerful artifact the galaxy, the Legendary Silver Crystal, spun in glamorous light. By itself alone the Crystal is the source of life and rebirth and immortality. Its power to control time and space makes it coveted to all hands, both good and evil, across the galaxy. Stars and Planets alike bow down to the supreme power that holds itself within the Crystal. In the privacy of the twins bedroom, a single breath shuddered inside before the Crystal, with a shockwave, knocked out the city's power and sent all its citizens to sleep.  

In revered silence Queen Serenity stepped to her daughter. Her hands, although faint, cupped her forehead. The gold moon-star birthmark shone through Serenity's grasp with even more power. Hope tugged at the Queen's lips as she whispered to her daughter's ear. 

"It is time to wake up, my darling. You are now set free."


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