Chapter 6 - Part 1: Through the Bloodworks

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*blip... blip... blip... blip...*


"She's still in there..."

I looked towards Anguirus as she had her hands on the window to the next room over, her eyes glued on a certain Queen Kaiju inside. After we had fled from the scene, and recovered the mentally-freed High Queen herself, we had gotten Darling to the hospital. With my governmental authority, I managed to get him into the ER quickly, where the doctors and nurses quickly worked to relocate and seal damaged tissue and broken bones. It was a long and agonizing process, and Godzilla stood where Anguirus was the whole time they operated, her tail always twitching and flicking nervously. This side of her was one only Darling saw, a vulnerability that would ruin her reputation as Queen of the Monsters. She was scared, and when they allowed them to come inside, Godzilla went in without hesitation, forcing everyone out and keeping the room to herself.

Now, she lay there, resting with her head on the side of the hospital bed with her tail wrapped around the body of it. Her expression was somber, her spines glowing a gentle blue to give Darling a comfortable warmth. Kiryu, or more so, the mind of Gojira, the first of the mutated Godzillasaur species, watched this display behind Anguirus, her previously crimson red eyes and highlights now returned to yellow, but with an orange tint to the color. Standing up, I walked to the window beside the irradiated ankylosaurus, staring in at my client as his chest gently rose and fell with his slumber.

"Doctors tell me that he won't wake up for quite some time. The sedatives they use on normal patients didn't work on him. The radiation he absorbed naturally from your presences has made him extremely resistant to poisons and drugs. They had to use five bags of a stronger medicine to put him under, and even that took a long while."

"How's the squirt doing, though?"

Rodan walked over to my side, her wings folded around herself like a bat cocooning itself. Once again, I shook my head.

"The operation was a success, but... he's lost so much blood, and the trauma of the fight alone should have killed him. His own energy reserves, whatever is flowing through his veins, it had its own regenerative factor. It resembled more a stasis of invulnerability, like his nerves shut down and he was unable to feel pain as he fought. To be quite honest with you, a man who can't feel pain can destroy his body a lot faster than a normal one."

I glanced at her with a serious tone in my voice.

"He's very lucky to be alive right now, but... even the doctors don't know how long that will last in the state he's in."

Caesar's ears drooped as her eyes cast down to the floor, the morsel that keened her interests now fading from her grip. She would not know this human, this special chosen mortal giving care to the strongest Kaiju of this planet. Rubbing her arm, she stepped away, going back to the waiting room as Kiryu softened her gaze.

{"This human... I have seen him in my mind, freeing me from the clutches of the programming that had trapped me in my own conscious. Tell me, pteranodon. What relationship does my daughter have with this human?"}

Rodan looked up at her and shrugged.

"I don't have as more of a grip than you do on what they have together, but as far as I know, Godzilla's been in the care of that guy for about a year and a half. They must've bonded pretty closely, and with his feats presented now, the squirt must've proven himself a worthy mate to her."

Kiryu clicked her tongue as she crossed her arms.

{"To think, a mere human standing up to Kaiju of their height. How intriguing..."}

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