Chapter 3

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Y/n pov
I woke up to the sound of my alarm so I quickly turned it off and went to go take a shower

*20 minutes passed*
I finally got out of the shower and decided to wear this

*20 minutes passed* I finally got out of the shower and decided to wear this

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And I did some light makeup until sovida texted the group chat

⚠️girls only⚠️

Sovida-ok so y/n I'm on my way to your house ok?

Y/n-ok and malayah are you coming?

Malayah-yes I'll be there in 20 minutes

Y/n-ok see you guys in 20 bye love you

Sovida-love you too

Malayah-Love you guys too

After that you turn off your phone and put Netflix on until you got a message from........

A/n-I am sorry this chapter is short but I promise the other chatper will be longer but look at

But look at how hot alejandro looks-umm anyways Chile- I will talk to you guys in the next chatper bye and I hope you guys had a good day💕Word count:174

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But look at how hot alejandro looks-umm anyways Chile- I will talk to you guys in the next chatper bye and I hope you guys had a good day💕
Word count:174

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