part four - sweet tooth

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you replayed the events of last night in your head - the blue light that had poured out of the symbol was burned into your memory. and, apparently, dimensional travel was a real thing. and you knew someone who could do it. this new revelation only made you more intrigued about frank, especially the organization he worked for and why he was so secretive about it.

you paced in a circle around your room, the floorboards creaking with every other step. you debated texting him - he did give you his phone number. but he did say "just in case" when he gave it, like he should only be texted if there was an emergency or something. and he didn't seem too open or happy about sharing the night before, so why would he now?

what if it was something bad. what if he worked for an organization like the illuminati? or even worse, the police? what if you shouldn't know. what if he-

a harsh knocking sounds from below you as your downstairs neighbors bang on their ceiling. it was their kind way of telling you to knock it off. they were two grumpy old farts who had lived there since you moved in three years ago. and in three years, their only form of communication was banging on their ceiling with what was presumably a broomstick.

you stopped pacing and sat on the edge of your bed, breathing out a sigh. you didn't want to keep looking for a job today. you wanted a break. your joints ached and even though you had gotten eight hours of sleep, it was hard to stay energized.

you open up your phone and stare at your mom's contact. your parent's aren't millionaire rich - but they are six figure wealthy. they live in one of those ugly mcmansions in the suburbs with waspy suburbanite neighbors. a hefty inheritance and steady paying job would do that. so asking your parents for rent money and little more for food wasn't too much to ask for.

hi mom... i was wondering if i could get a little money for rent and bills? maybe a little for food too. thank you! love you.

you close your phone and lay back on your bed.

a few minutes later the phone chimes.

street art not working out too well, is it? we'll send some funds your way. miss you sweetie!!! xoxo

you smile at her message and send her a few heart emojis. you swipe up and are met with the contact you made for frank last night.

dimension traveler bunnyman (frank)

the curiosity ate at you. your thumbs hover over the keyboard.

fuck it.

is your shoulder okay? :'(

you hit send, shut your phone off and leave it on your bed. you head to the kitchen to find something to eat. your fridge is staggeringly bare, save for half-empty bottles of condiments and salad dressings.

there was leftover money from your last paycheck you could go shopping with. or you could just "borrow" some snacks from the grocery store. the employees weren't paid enough to care about shoplifting.

your phone dings twice from the other room. you smile, excited that he actually texted you back.

dimension traveler bunnyman (frank)
it's fine. thank you.

dimension traveler bunnyman (frank)
i should not have shown you everything that i did last night.

you frown and wait for him to finish typing.

dimension traveler bunnyman (frank)
did you tell anyone?

no... why?

you lay back on your bed and watch the dots in the message bubble bounce as he types.

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